Academyc Year 2022/2023
First cycle degree in COMMUNICATION SCIENCES

L-20 - Classe delle lauree in Scienze della comunicazione
Place of teaching: Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
Coordinator - President: FACCHIN LAURA

Year: 2

funzione in un contesto di lavoro:
competenze associate alla funzione:
sbocchi professionali:
funzione in un contesto di lavoro:
competenze associate alla funzione:
sbocchi professionali:
funzione in un contesto di lavoro:
competenze associate alla funzione:
sbocchi professionali:
funzione in un contesto di lavoro:
competenze associate alla funzione:
sbocchi professionali:

Il corso prepara alla professione di (codifiche ISTAT): testo - inglese: 
  • Tecnici dell'acquisizione delle informazioni -
  • Intervistatori e rilevatori professionali -
  • Tecnici della vendita e della distribuzione -
  • Tecnici del marketing -
  • Tecnici della pubblicità -
  • Tecnici delle pubbliche relazioni -
  • Agenti di pubblicità -
  • Organizzatori di fiere, esposizioni ed eventi culturali -
  • Organizzatori di convegni e ricevimenti -
  • Tecnici dell'organizzazione della produzione radiotelevisiva, cinematografica e teatrale -

All information related to fees and contributions expected for enrollment is available on the page:

For information regarding scholarships and other facilities, see:

Making Judgements: 

In the world of communication, in public and private institutions as well as in publishing companies, evaluation skills are required in choosing between different alternatives and in solving increasingly complex problems. By means of a didactic approach that seeks to bring together the logics of "knowing" and "knowing how to do", the aim is to develop those abilities to formulate judgements that are necessary to undertake subsequent studies, with a higher degree of autonomy, but also to deal with the various problematic situations in the working environment. In particular, Communication Science students will have to develop decision-making skills starting from the results of their own and other people's work, through the critical analysis of documents, products and data, the classification of events and processes, and the collection, selection and processing of information from different sources. The expected results are verified during the preparation of the final examination and achieved in the dissertation.

Communication skills: 

A specific feature of working in the world of communication is the daily management of a language (written, spoken, figurative, etc.) that is never unambiguous in its relationship between symbol, signifier and meaning and is immersed in contexts that are very lacking or too rich in information, noise, redundancy. The management of communicative processes requires training based on stimuli from individual study, discussion with teachers and team work experiences. The graduate in Communication Sciences must be able to combine technical skills with creative abilities in the creation of (textual, audiovisual, editorial) products that are appropriate to various communicative situations, both in Italian and in at least one foreign language. They must also be able to communicate, share, synthesise and rework information and knowledge in cooperative work contexts. The expected results are verified and achieved in the course of the examinations and during the apprenticeship, with particular emphasis on interpersonal skills in study and work environments.

Learning skills: 

The curriculum focuses on learning methodologies and on the innovation of teaching methods with the aim of promoting autonomy in the choice and evaluation of knowledge sources and of fostering the learning of logic, strategies and methods underpinning a dynamic and conscious construction of knowledge. The expected results are verified and achieved in the context of all the training activities of the course, with particular attention to any critical points identified by the tutors and in the context of orientation initiatives.

La prova finale, redatta sotto la guida di un docente relatore (eventualmente coadiuvato da uno o più correlatori), consiste nella stesura di un elaborato, che dimostri le conoscenze acquisite e la capacità di strutturare in modo organico i materiali relativi alle discipline del Corso di Studio. Potrà configurarsi come: a) un progetto di ricerca (esposizione in sintesi in cui siano raccolte le posizioni e gli studi pregressi inerenti ad un problema storico-culturale; b) l'approfondimento di un lavoro seminariale, di laboratorio o di tirocinio realizzato durante il triennio. L'elaborato potrà essere redatto anche in una lingua straniera preventivamente concordata.
Il carico didattico della prova finale corrisponde a 8 CFU. La prova finale consiste in una presentazione pubblica davanti a una commissione di docenti del Corso di Laurea