Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in COMMUNICATION SCIENCES
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (56 hours)

No prior knowledge required.

- Assessment of learning will take place through a written exam (with multiple-choice and semistructured questions) covering the content discussed and tested during the course. A number of exercises are planned during the course that will contribute to the final exam.

Voto Finale

Teaching activities aim at building knowledge, skills and competencies in understanding, designing and evaluating social contexts with formal or informal educational purposes. These skills are functional in knowing how to design and manage job opportunities in the areas of communication and marketing, advertising, information and publishing for educational and third sector activities. This teaching therefore contributes to the formation of the professional profiles identified in framework A2.a of the Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies.

Expected Learning Outcomes.
Specifically, upon completion of the course, the student will be able to: 1. briefly present the paradigms and functions of general pedagogy; 2. distinguish and discuss the objects of social pedagogy (products, processes and systems); 3. design, implement and evaluate communication tools in social and educational fields. 4. know the main teaching methodologies and scenarios of future education. 5. argue the problematic of the social component in one's own education and that of territorial educational contexts. 6. distinguish and apply processes of feedback and self-assessment in education.

General Pedagogy Guidelines.
The reflective construct and narrativity.
What is Social Pedagogy: key concepts.
Methodologies of social analysis.
Social design methodologies
The communication of social and educational contexts
The main teaching methodologies and their evolution.

- Frontal lecture
- Group work
- Service Learning
- Narrative methodologies
- Practical exercises
- Testimonials from outside experts

- The lecturer receives by appointment to be arranged by e-mail at:
- Students are asked to communicate at the beginning of the course, again by e-mail, any specific needs of students, especially those related to learning disorders.
