Biotechnology for the Bio-based and Health Industry

Academyc Year 2021/2022
Second cycle degree in Biotechnology for the Bio-based and Health Industry

LM-8 - Industrial Biotechnologies
Place of teaching: Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
Coordinator - President: MOLLA GIANLUCA

funzione in un contesto di lavoro:
competenze associate alla funzione:
sbocchi professionali:

All information related to fees and contributions expected for enrollment is available on the page:

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Making Judgements: 

The courses delivery method (belonging to all the Disciplinary Areas, see table A4.b.2) encourages the acquisition of a flexible, open and critical approach to the most current theoretical and applicative aspects of biotechnology. The courses stimulate the ability to perform bibliographic research independently and to critically discuss (also through the preparation of presentations) the information acquired, highlighting the advantages and limitations of the various solutions proposed. Critical discussions stimulate the ability to integrate the knowledge learned in different fields and to apply them to new and multidisciplinary situations and problems related to the biotechnology sector and to formulate autonomous judgments, in relation to the conception, conduct and outcomes of research projects /production of bio-goods (also in relation to the cost-benefit ratio, socio-economic impact and ethical implications). The study of particular cases proposed directly by the teachers and the confrontation with experts in the sector during meetings and visits to research centres, plants or biotechnological companies (study trips) organized by the Degree course, also contribute to this.
The ability to manage the experimental activity, to understand, evaluate and autonomously choose the most appropriate protocols, procedures and techniques to obtain the desired results and the ability to critically evaluate and interpret experimental data is developed during the numerous laboratory activities and exercises proposed within some courses to complete the lectures and, above all, during the development of the experimental thesis project (planning and carrying out of the experimental activity, analysis of the results and drafting of the final report). The deepening of (bio)statistics represents a useful tool to allow the student to critically evaluate scientific data.
The verification of the acquisition of independent judgment is carried out on an ongoing basis (the exams for some courses are based on the evaluation of written reports also relating to the performed laboratory experiences and on the ability to make proposals to solve specific problems) and at the end of the training course, through the critical discussion of the experimental activity performed during the internship and the final dissertation.

Communication skills: 

Master's graduates acquire the ability to communicate information, proposals, problems and solutions relating to the various multidisciplinary fields of "red" and "white" biotechnologies using an adequate language through the presentation of reports or scientific articles both of a general nature on topics covered during the courses and relating to specific aspects/application problems in the biotechnological field. During the practical activities, the students are encouraged to analyze the experimental problems and the results obtained with their colleagues and teachers. Study trips and meetings with sector experts allow students to deal with the language and terminology of diversified sectors. During the courses aimed at developing transversal skills and the experimental internship, which can be performed internally at the University or at public and private bodies or affiliated companies in Italy and abroad, students have the opportunity to interact with professionals from diverse areas and through these experiences they can interface with professional profiles with training and lexicon different from the purely academic ones.
The delivery of lectures in English and the teaching of scientific English provide an essential tool for allowing graduates to communicate in written and oral form internationally and encourage their study of internationally relevant texts and participation in congresses and events of the sector.
The verification of the acquisition of communication skills is carried out on an ongoing basis, both during the delivery of the courses and the exams, through the evaluation of oral and written reports (also relating to the practical activity performed during the courses). The final verification of communication skills takes place during the thesis dissertation in which the commission evaluates the student's ability to communicate and discuss the results obtained. The thesis is viewed by a co-examiner designated by the Degree course who carries out a detailed examination of the contents and language of the thesis and stimulates discussion during the graduation session.

Learning skills: 

The inclination to study and to scientific and professional updating is achieved by proposing diversified training and study methods (exercises, laboratories, seminars, bibliographic searches and information from databases) so that students are encouraged to acquire a study method and an independent and personalized information processing method. Furthermore, during the practical internship and the drafting of the degree thesis, students are encouraged to research and elaborate in detail the scientific information relevant to their thesis project.
Specific courses are offered in which students learn how to autonomousely find information (scientific literature, regulatory information, consultation of databases), in order to stay constantly updated, a necessary quality due to the great diversification of potential employment opportunities and the rapid scientific, technical and normative evolution of biotechnologies. The learning skill of graduates is also fundamental in relation to an eventual future access to the third cycle of higher education (second level Specialization Masters, Doctoral Studies, Specialization School).
The learning skill is verified in progress through the assessment of reports produced autonomously on specific topics covered during the lectures and in relation to the information search activity (bibliographic, regulatory or data) and during the degree exam through the evaluation of the personal theoretical-practical contribution given by the student with respect to the results reported in the degree thesis and their dissertation.

La prova finale consiste nella presentazione di un elaborato scritto in lingua inglese (tesi di laurea) prodotto in modo originale dallo studente sotto la guida di un relatore (docente del Corso di Laurea o comunque afferente al Dipartimento di Biotecnologie e Scienze della Vita referente per il Corso di Laurea).
Nella tesi vengono riportati e discussi in modo critico i risultati dell’attività di ricerca sviluppata durante il tirocinio curriculare di durata non inferiore a nove mesi e al quale, vista l’importanza rivestita per raggiungere l’obiettivo formativo prefissato, viene riservato un numero elevato di crediti formativi). La tesi verte su un argomento scientifico coerente con gli obiettivi del Corso di Studio ed è svolta dallo studente presso un laboratorio universitario o esterno (anche all’estero) convenzionato con l’Università. La scelta del laboratorio di ricerca ospitante e del progetto di tesi è soggetta ad approvazione del Consiglio di Corso.
Il contenuto dell'elaborato viene esposto oralmente (in lingua inglese) dal candidato di fronte ad una commissione giudicatrice (commissione di laurea) che può rivolgere delle domande in modo da poter valutare la preparazione, la capacità di giudizio e le abilità comunicative raggiunte dal candidato. La discussione è stimolata dal controrelatore assegnato dal Corso di Studio che valuta i contenuti ed il linguaggio dell’elaborato. Il voto di laurea viene attribuito dalla commissione di laurea sulla base dell'esito della prova finale e della carriera dello studente. La nomina della commissione e la modalità di attribuzione del voto di laurea sono disciplinate da un apposito regolamento del CdS.