Degree course: 
Corso di Second cycle degree in Biotechnology for the Bio-based and Health Industry
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (48 hours)

Although there are no prerequisites in order to successfully face the course, notions on animal biology are highly recommended

Final Examination: 

A written test (essay-based) will be administered at the end of each module of the course. It will be based on 3 open questions concerning different topics covered during the lessons and present in the program.
For the Insect biotechnology module, a critical discussion of a research project prepared by the student will be carried out during the final examination.
The outcome of the exam will be out of thirty. The test is considered passed with a vote of at least 18/30. The criteria used to verify the knowledge and skills acquired are: the degree of in-depth study of the subject matter of the question, the critical ability to connect and elaborate the knowledge acquired, the clarity of the concepts presented and the properties of the terminology used. Top marks (greater than 28/30), and possibly honors, will be awarded to students who have smartly presented the journal club talks, actively participated in them and in discussions during the course and have demonstrated practical skills ascertained directly during the hours of laboratory activity.

Voto Finale

The teaching activity aims to provide the essential bases on Laboratory Animal Science and the problems related to animal experimentation as well as alternative ways to use experimental animals in biotechnological research. The main objective is to provide solid preparation for understanding the legislation that regulates animal experimentation in Italy, how an experimental protocol is conducted safeguarding the well-being of the experimental animal and the different experimental methodologies that can be used to improve global health needs, such as rapid and efficient diagnostic tools; new vaccines and drugs, efficient delivery methods, novel approaches to therapeutics and bioremediation. The basic notions on the morphological and functional organization, on the methods of development and breeding of model animal organisms used in biological experimentation will be also provided.
This knowledge completes the training of a graduate in Molecular and Industrial Biotechnologies with solid and up-to-date skills in the fundamental sectors of life sciences, also based on the use of animal models both in the basic research and in health fields.

Learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student:
1. knows problems related to animal experimentation as well as alternative ways to use experimental animals in biotechnological research;
2. is able to apply the 3R rules: (3Rs Replacement, Reduction, Refinement) with a focus on alternative methods;
3. knows the general foundations of the morphological organization, the vital, the reproductive functions, and the biological cycles of the animals mainly used in laboratory;
4. knows the invertebrate and vertebrate animals currently used as a model in experimentation, their main applications and the rules that constrain their use
5. is able to have independent judgment regarding the correct planning of experiments involving animals;
6. is able to find information on the web on experimental procedures and alternative/complementary methods;
7. is able to have communication skills with respect to current opinions relating to animal experimentation.

The course will be subdivided in two parts:
Lectures (4 CFU-32 hours) concerning the following topics:
1. Historical aspects of animal modelling
2. Ethical and regulatory considerations (restrictive laws regulating the number and type of animal species used for scientific purposes and the use of alternative models in biological research);
3. 3R rules: Replacement, Reduction, Refinement
4. Definition of animal models and their importance in biotechnological research (efficient diagnostic tools; new vaccines and drugs, efficient delivery methods, and novel approaches to therapeutics)
5. Animal species used in the experimentation
6. A practical understanding of the choice, care and use of animal models (the use of a model organism in biotechnological research depends on the biological, biotechnological, or biomedical problem of interest)
7. Description of some mammalian models in biotechnological research (rodents-rats, mice, guinea pigs, and hamsters are most used because their small size and because they can be bred readily in captivity)
8. Evaluation of practical applications in the scientific literature
9. Biology of the main species of complementary animal models
10. Alternative methods use of nonmammalian vertebrates and invertebrate (attention is addressed to the lower species that have brought significant hints of novelty in research relating to numerous molecules and drugs test involved in human diseases).
11. Evaluation of practical applications in the scientific literature

Lectures (2 CFU-16 hours) on Insect biotechnology:
1. Introduction on insect biotechnology, basic anatomy and physiology of insects, molecular genetic manipulation of insects
2. Insects as model for studying metabolic disorders
3. The circadian rhythm and the fruit fly circadian clock
4. Silk and biomaterials
5. Insects as model for bacterial and fungal infections
6. Drosophila and the silkworm: models for research on aging and senescence
7. Limb regeneration in crickets
8. Drosophila model in cancer
9. The black soldier fly: generation of biobased products from waste materials

Lectures (4 CFU-32 hours) concerning the following topics:
1. Historical aspects of animal modelling
2. Ethical and regulatory considerations (restrictive laws regulating the number and type of animal species used for scientific purposes and the use of alternative models in biological research);
3. 3R rules: Replacement, Reduction, Refinement
4. Definition of animal models and their importance in biotechnological research (efficient diagnostic tools; new vaccines and drugs, efficient delivery methods, and novel approaches to therapeutics)
5. Animal species used in the experimentation
6. A practical understanding of the choice, care and use of animal models (the use of a model organism in biotechnological research depends on the biological, biotechnological, or biomedical problem of interest)
7. Description of some mammalian models in biotechnological research (rodents-rats, mice, guinea pigs, and hamsters are most used because their small size and because they can be bred readily in captivity)
8. Evaluation of practical applications in the scientific literature
9. Biology of the main species of complementary animal models
10. Alternative methods use of nonmammalian vertebrates and invertebrate (attention is addressed to the lower species that have brought significant hints of novelty in research relating to numerous molecules and drugs test involved in human diseases).
11. Evaluation of practical applications in the scientific literature

Lectures (2 CFU-16 hours) on Insect biotechnology:
1. Introduction on insect biotechnology, basic anatomy and physiology of insects, molecular genetic manipulation of insects
2. Insects as model for studying metabolic disorders
3. The circadian rhythm and the fruit fly circadian clock
4. Silk and biomaterials
5. Insects as model for bacterial and fungal infections
6. Drosophila and the silkworm: models for research on aging and senescence
7. Limb regeneration in crickets
8. Drosophila model in cancer
9. The black soldier fly: generation of biobased products from waste materials

The material shown in class will be made available on the e-learning platform.


Frontal lectures in the classroom will be carried out with the help of slides in power point and videos.

The teachers are available for meetings with students for further information or clarification of the topics covered, upon appointment via e-mail (;