Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Nursing
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Seat of the course: 
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (60 hours)

Knowledge of: anatomy, physiology, general nursing

The exam includes an oral interview to verify the knowledge and understanding skills related to the learning objectives.

Voto Finale

The course proposes to deepen the study of BAI of the person, the methods of data collection, observation, interview, the direct physical importance and the planning methods according to criteria of priority and continuous evaluation of the interventions carried out and the results obtained regarding the satisfaction of needs. The learner will be able to assess in a comprehensive and systematic way the patient, recognizing the signs of normality and change in disease condition, will be able to describe evidence-based interventions to provide answers to the needs of the person, will be able to interpret the data collected to identify BAI, plan assistance and assess the achievement of welfare objectives

- Non technical skills
- Clinical reasoning
- Simple and complex nursing care
- Relational communicative skills
- Identification of BAI
- Identification of objectives
- Clinical cases
- Fever, vomiting, delirium
- Diarrhea, constipation and water retention
- Ethics and Ethics
- Privacy and security
- Evidence Based Nursing

- Non Technical Skills: what is meant by NTS, the origins and understand why they are useful in the health field.Learning about NTS and their involvement in life and work
- Clinical reasoning: describe the cognitive and practical aspects of the decision-making process, define critical thinking and reflective thinking in nursing, identify the phases and modalities of diagnostic reasoning, to highlight the correlation between diagnostic reasoning and decision-making and to reflect on the significance of welfare outcomes and responsibility in decision-making.
- Simple and complex nursing care: what is meant by nursing care and who was its founder, actions and nursing services, simple vs complex performance, autonomous vs with high interdependence, simple vs complex nursing care, skills according to Benner, hierarchical line
- Relational communication skills: what is meant by communication, verbal and non-Verbal communication, communication channels, listening, communicative competence and emotional intelligence. Empathy and communication in the nursing mode
- Identification of BAI: deepen the concept of nursing care, what is meant by need, how to identify a BAI and goat importance, the Bai identified by Marisa Cantarelli.
- Identification of targets: what is meant by "nursing target", how should it be a target to be considered such, how to identify a nursing target, what elements are important that it is made of, Target measurement can be defined in terms of effectiveness, efficiency and appropriateness
- Fever, vomiting, delirium: definitions, manifestations, related Bai and related planning.
- Diarrhea, constipation and water retention: definitions, manifestations, related Bai and related planning.
- Ethics and Ethics: Ethics, its principles and importance in the field of health, ethical principles and the new code of ethics for nurses, ethical concepts for nursing practice.
- Privacy and security: definition of privacy, legislation, professional secrecy, communication and dissemination of data, penalties.
- Evidence Based Nursing: EBP, what it is and what its origins are, the EBM, the EBN and its phases, how to formulate a research application, the pyramid of the EBP, the risks and limits of the Evidence Based Practice

learning lessons associated with moments of E-learning, group work and exercises.
