
Academyc Year 2022/2023
First cycle degree in Nursing

L/SNT1 - Class Of First Degrees In Healthcare Nursing Professions And Healthcare Obstetric Profession
Place of teaching: Como - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria, Busto Arsizio - Ospedale di Busto Arsizio, Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
Coordinator - President: ANGELI FABIO
Curriculum: Sede di Busto Arsizio

Year: 1

Curriculum: Sede di Como

Year: 1

Curriculum: Sede di Varese

Year: 1

funzione in un contesto di lavoro:
competenze associate alla funzione:
sbocchi professionali:

All information related to fees and contributions expected for enrollment is available on the page:

For information regarding scholarships and other facilities, see:

Making Judgements: 

At the end of the course graduates in Nursing Science will be able to make proper use of critical thinking and to define the priorities towards the needs of nursing care in relation with the different levels of care complexity.

In particular, they will be able to:

1. Interpret information and data in order to guide decision-making as to the provision of nursing care to people with different complexity problems.

2. Define priorities of care interventions and allocate activities (also to support personnel) based on the different complexity levels.

3. Consider the social, scientific and ethics implications as to decision-making in order to respond to the individual and community care needs.

4. Evaluate the results of decisions and care interventions through outcomes and quality indicators.

5. Respond for their actions towards individuals, community, their profession and institutions.

6. Identify and manage conflict situations or ethical dilemmas, that arise from daily practice, using an ethical decision model.

Methodologies and training activities, teaching tools to develop the expected results:

• critical events led by tutors;

• critical reading of scientific national and international literature;

• video and movies;

• case discussion, group work and role playing;

• briefing and debriefing led by tutors in simulated and real situations;

• traineeship.

The results will be assessed through: written and oral examinations, discussion of clinical cases that highlight the decision-making abilities in complicated care situations, formulation and answer to questions regarding nursing topics using literature search and review; examination sheets that highlight risk management situations identified during the traineeship, nursing documentation.

Communication skills: 

At the end of the course graduates in Nursing Science will be able to establish, maintain and conclude helping relationships with patients, families and/or referees, through the use of proper communication and interpersonal skills. Graduates in Nursing Science will also be able to effectively communicate in scientific contexts in order to contribute to the dissemination of nursing knowledge.

In particular, they will be able to:

1. Spread information, describe problems and give solutions to individuals, groups (including non-professional and caregiver), support workers and other professionals.

2. Tune communication thus respecting both the context and the interlocutor type (e.g.: age, sex, culture, pathology) and referring to the fundamental theoretical aspects that are the basis of human behavior and communication processes in social and help relations.

3. Guide and support patients and families toward self-care behaviors designed to promote health, prevent disease, expedite the healing process and alleviate suffering.

4. Properly and effectively communicate inside the multi-professional team thus recognizing the peculiarities of the different professional roles and their interactions as to nursing care.

Methodologies and training activities, teaching tools to develop the expected results:

• role playing;

• simulation lab;

• oral presentation of individual and group work;

• video and movies;

• case discussion, group work;

• exercises in simulated and real situations by means of special forms of analysis of the roles;

• traineeship.

The results will be assessed through: role analysis sheets; simulations of oral and written information transmission, oral and written information transmission to tutors and nurses as to patients; written papers and examination sheets; written and oral presentation of healthcare projects.

Learning skills: 

At the end of the course graduates in Nursing Science will have acquired the skills necessary to autonomously continue their training throughout the whole professional life (long-life-learning) by means of: an ongoing re-evaluation of their professional activity, the ability to gather the latest scientific knowledge and literature and the realization of their portfolio.

In particular, they will be able to demonstrate:

1. Self-assess their skills and outline their needs as to learning and professional development.

2. Get the knowledge necessary to continue their education, to learn autonomously and throughout the whole professional life (life-long learning).

3. Develop the critical ability to question themselves over daily practice and learn by constantly looking for answers among the most recent evidences and research.

4. Select the learning opportunities that arise from daily practice, identify and take profit of the training opportunities offered at a national and international level.

Methodologies and training activities, teaching tools to develop the expected results:

• critical events led by tutors;

• case discussion;

• laboratory research methodology;

• critical reading of scientific national and international literature;

• written papers;

• training events on professional topics;

• traineeship.

The results will be assessed through: critical analysis of the characteristics of a training event and its usefulness to continue education; participation in professional training events; educational project for ongoing training and simulated writing of one’s own portfolio; critical use of knowledge, scientific literature and bibliography also to prepare the final exam; tutorial supervision during traineeship to measure the achievements of the yearly educational goals.

Students graduate in Nursing Science after passing a final exam which takes place in two sessions: October-November and March-April . The final exam consists of a written paper a test to evaluate the technical and practical skills acquired. The written paper will be previously evaluated by an appointed internal commission that, before the expiry of the final exam admission application date, will examine the judge the papers as suitable or unsuitable . The internal commission itself will then propose to the final exam commission a final mark.