To provide the theoretical / practical bases relating to Immunohematology and Transfusion Medicine; to acquire the knowledge relating to the main methods for determining blood groups, for the preparation of blood components, for the management of transfusion therapy.
Historical notes on immunohematology and transfusion medicine;
The main blood group systems (ABO, Rh phenotype, Kell, Kidd, Duffy, Lewis, MNSs, Lutheran);
Direct Coombs test (clinical implications, with particular reference to autoimmune hemolytic anemia and hemolytic disease of the newborn - MEN) and indirect (clinical implications, with particular reference to pretransfusion investigations and hemolytic disease of the newborn - MEN);
Collection of blood and blood components; fractionation and storage of blood and its derivatives;
Principles of transfusion therapy (clinical indications; pretransfusion tests; adverse reactions to transfusion; general principles for the prevention of adverse reactions to transfusion;
Reference regulations.
Frontal lessons