- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Bibliography
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
A written test multiple choice of 10 question. A brier oral exam could be necessary if the teacher need it to confirm the written test.
Antropology: The exam consists of an oral test
The objectives of the Biology Module are to provide basic information on: 1) Structure activity / function relationship of cells and organelles; 2) Transduction Translation from Genes to Proteins; 3) Molecular Mechanisms of Muscle Contraction; 6) Tissue repair and Stem Cells.
Antropology:To provide basic knowledge of biological anthropology. To understand the evolutionary aspects of human morphology and learn the anthropometric methods.
The Plasma Membrane, The Nucleus, The Nucleus, The Chromatin, The Nucleolus, The Nuclear Pores; The Mitochondria; The plasma reticulum (smooth and wrinkled); The Golgi Apparatus; Transport across the plasma membrane; The Action Potential; From genes to mRNA, non-coding RNAs, Protein translation; The chemical and electrical synapses. Muscle contraction, molecular interactions; the composition of the muscle; White Fibers and Red Fibers; Muscle damage and the role of Staaminal Cells
Antropology and Paleoanthropology, the history of discipline (Cuvier, Lamark, Darwin).
From Sahelanthropus tchadensis to australopitecine forms: Analysis of fossil findings
Paleoanthropology, australopitecine forms: anamensis, afarensis, africanus
Evolution of Man: Homo antecessor, Homo erectus, Homo ergaster, Homo georgicus, Homo habilis, Homo heidelbergensis, Homo naledi, Homo neanderthalensis Homo sapiens
Physical anthropology: application of the identification methods on the skeleton
Anthropometry: Metric analysis and calculation of bodily indices.
Forensic Anthropology: Identifying anthropological investigations in the criminological field.
Anthropology of sport. Survey of constitutional profiles.
Slides of course
M. Licata, Questioni emergenti in osteoarcheologia. Mimesis, Edizioni 2016.
F. Cagnazzo,R Cagnazzo, Valutazione antropometrica in clinica, riabilitazione e sport. . Raffaele edizioni Edi. Ermes, 2009.
Frontal lessons and interactive discussion
Credits: 5Place of teaching: Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
Credits: 2Place of teaching: Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria