Advanced Russian language 1 and translation
- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Full programme
- Bibliography
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
In order to profitably attend classes and pass the examination at the end of the course, students should already have a knowledge of Russian language al least at level B1+ (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, 2001).
Propedeuticity: Russian Language I, Russian Language II and Russian Language III (bachelor degree, 1-st level).
Learning will be verified through a final exam aimed at evaluating knowledge and language skills (Reading, Speaking, Writing), according to the norms developed by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, 2001.
The exam consists of a written test with different activities and an oral test. It is compulsory to take the written test before the oral exam.
The oral examination is subdivided into the theoretical part of the course and the part related to Laboratorio di Lingua russa avanzato 1 e traduzione.
The aim of this course (Lingua russa avanzato 1 e traduzione) is to bring students who already have morphosyntactic linguistic skills in Russian language to a level of competence comparable to B2-C1 (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, 2001).
During the course will be analyse thoroughly the following topics:
Topic I: The Noun and The Verb: a) The Noun: The First Declension, The Second Declension and The Third Declension, b) The Verb: The 1st and 2nd Conjugation of the Verb.
Topic II: Declension of Nouns Denoting Surnames and Names and the Names of Cities and Towns (placenames).
Topic III: The Numeral: Classification, Spelling, Declension and Use (widening).
Topic IV: Use of Numerals to say the Date.
Topic V: Expressions of Time with the following words год, век, эпоха, утро, весна.
Topic VI: Expression of Time with Prepositions.
Topic VII: The Pronoun.
Topic VIII: Intransitive Verbs: Verbs with the Particle -ся, Principal Meanings of Verbs with the Particle -ся, Impersonal Verbs.
Topic IX: The Imperative Mood: Formation, Principal Meanings and Use.
Topic X: The Participle: Verbal and Adjectival Features of the Participle: Formation, Declension and Use: a) Present Active Participles, b) Past Active Participles, c) Present Passive Participles, d) Past Passive Participles, e) Declension of Participles, f) The Participial Construction and the Attributive Clause (который), g) Replacing an Attributive Clause by a Participial Construction, h) Short-form Participles, i) The Spelling of the Negative Particle (не) with Participles, l) Conversion of Participles into Adjectives and Nouns.
Topic XI: The Verbal Adverb: Features of the Verbal Adverb, Formation and Use: a) Verbal Adverbs from Imperfective Verbs, b) Verbal Adverbs from Perfective Verbs.
Topic XII: Verbs of Motion.
Topic XIII: Verb Aspects: Formation, Use of the Aspects, Peculiarities in the Use of the Aspects.
Topic XIV: Lexical difficulties.
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in “Lingue moderne per la Comunicazione e la cooperazione internazionale”, Curriculum “Mediazione linguistica, culturale e giuridica”
Gli incontri del Laboratorio di Lingua russa avanzato 1 e traduzione (Curriculum “Mediazione linguistica, culturale e giuridica”) verteranno sulle questioni di seguito riportate e saranno presi in esame i seguenti testi.
a) stile e traduzione;
b) l’ordine delle parole;
c) traduzione di nomi propri, termini istituzionali e culturali;
d) traslitterazione scientifica;
e) osservazioni sulla traduzione del passato russo in italiano;
f) realia;
g) struttura, organizzazione del testo economico, politico e pubblicitario.
Testi proposti e analizzati:
1) Основные проблемы современной русской речи (pp. 7-10);
2) Жанры публичной речи (pp. 37-45);
3) Анализ речи Ю.М. Лотмана «Чему же учатся люди?» (pp. 81-83);
4) Развëртывание политического, экономического и рекламного дискурсов (pp. 187-202);
5) Отведу твою беду (pp. 202-204);
6) Эссе Татьяны Москвиной и его перевод (pp. 226-229);
7) Диалог О. Северской и М. Королевой о приëмах воздействия в рекламе (pp. 229-231);
8) Манипулятивные приëмы, используемые в рекламе (pp. 231-232);
9) Интервью с переводчиком В.М. Суходревом (pp. 232-236);
10) Статья Д. Петрова (pp. 236-240).
Testi di riferimento
Dobrovolskaja Julija, Il Russo: l’ABC della traduzione, Cafoscarina, Venezia 2001.
Mart’janova I.A., Černjak V.D., Russkij jazyk dlja perevodčikov, Izd. RGPU im. A.I. Gercena, Sankt-Peterburg 2012.
1) Научный стиль речи. Основные особенности научного стиля речи. Текст «Проблемы межкультурного общения и изучения иностранного языка в современной Европе».
2) Научная статья «Перевод и языковое посредничество». План, тезисы и конспект научной статьи.
3) Видео Ф. Васильев «Межкультурное общение». Работа с видео-текстом.
4) Официально-деловой стиль речи. Основные характеристики официально-делового стиля. Личные документы: резюме, автобиография, сопроводительное письмо к резюме, деловое письмо.
5) Заявление. Деловое письмо. Структура делового письма. Реквизиты и композиция делового письма. Правила рубрикации. Образцы писем.
6) Деловая беседа. Презентация фирмы. Работа с аудио-текстом. Письмо-презентация предприятия.
7) Деловое общение по телефону. Работа с видео-текстом.
8) Юридический перевод. Перевод документов, удостоверяющих личность: паспорт, свидетельство о рождении, свидетельство о несудимости, апостиль и др. Доверенность.
9) Публицистический стиль. Основные признаки публицистического стиля. Торжественная речь. Текст: Торжественная речь, посвящённая открытию фирмы.
10) Круглый стол. Работа с аудио-текстом. Первая глобальная революция и «парниковый эффект».
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in “Lingue moderne per la Comunicazione e la cooperazione internazionale”, Curriculum “Traduzione giuridica ed economica”
Le attività proposte nel Laboratorio di Lingua russa avanzato 1 e traduzione (Curriculum “Traduzione giuridica ed economica”) verteranno sui seguenti temi e testi:
- Тема 1:
- Управление личным временем;
- Тема 2:
а) Карьера. Составление резюме,
б) Прохождение интервью;
- Тема 3:
а) Спрос и предложение,
б) Выбор коммерческого предложения;
- Тема 4:
- Обслуживание клиентов;
- Тема 5:
- а) Конкуренты,
- б) Повышение конкурентоспособности;
- Тема 6:
- Лидерство: 1) Ключевые качества лидера, 2) Структура компании;
- Тема 7: Качество: 1) О природе стандартов ISO СЕРИИ 9000, 2) Качество услуг.
- Inoltre, nel corso del Laboratorio, saranno proposti modelli di lettere commerciali, documenti legali e contrattuali. Verrà, quindi, analizzata la struttura di lettere commerciali e promozionali, del curriculum vitae, della lettera di accompagnamento e di un contratto e accordo commerciale.
Testi di riferimento
Kotane Lydmila, Russian for Business. Učebnoe posobie (B2). Russkij jazyk dlja delo
Part of course material is available in the folder on the E-learning system.
During the course students will use the following coursebook:
a) Nikitina Natalia, Esercizi di Lingua russa. Morfologia: livello avanzato, Hoepli, Milano 2013.
b) Cevese C., Dobrovol’skaja Ju., Sintassi russa: Teoria e Esercizi, Hoepli, Milano 2005.
Those who are not attending the course and those who wish to deepen aspects and topics of the course are advised to read the following texts:
a) Cevese C., Dobrovol’skaja Ju., Magnanini E., Grammatica russa. Morfologia: Teoria e Esercizi, Hoepli, Milano 2000.
(It is a very detailed grammar, with in-depth coverage of all the aspects of the Russian morphological system)
The course Lingua Russa avanzato 1 e traduzione runs throughout the Academic Year 2020-2021 with 55 hours of frontal lessons (30 hours + 25 hours) of the theoretical course and with pratical sessions Laboratorio di Lingua Russa avanzato 1 e traduzione (throughout the Academic Year 2020-2021).
Both the course, Lingua russa avanzato 1 e traduzione and Laboratorio di Lingua russa avanzato 1 e traduzione are divided into two modules (Part 1: I term; Part 2: II term).
Regular and continuous attendance is strongly recommended. Not-attending students should contact the course tutor at the beginning of the academic year in order to agree a supplementary program.