Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Movement science
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (40 hours)

No requirements are needed

The exam is passed is student pass two written tests, one for chemistry (10 multiple choice questions) with only one correct answer. The chemistry module exam is considered passed if the student correctly marks at least 6 answers.
The exam for the biochemistry module consists of a written test. The written test consists of 20 multiple-choice questions (five possible answers, one of which is true and to be identified by the student) regarding the comprehension of the topics covered. The evaluation will be insufficient if the correct answers will be less than 12. The note is not reduced by incorrect answers.

Voto Finale

The integrated course aims to provide basic knowledge to understand the main biological and cellular phenomena in the chemistry and biochemistry.
Students will be provided with the following knowledge and skills:

The course aims to provide basic knowledge on the chemistry of living organisms. Such knowledge includes the structure and organization of living matter (structure and function of the main biological macromolecules).

Biochemistry Module
The course aims to provide the key information needed to understand the principles of biochemical knowledge applied to sport and fitness activities.

The structure of the atom and notes about radioactivity. Chemical ties. States of matter and their property. Thermodynamics and chemical kinetics. Water, Solutions and Their Properties. Chemical equilibrium. Acids and bases. Organic swabs. Electrochemistry.
Description and main reactions of alcohols, alkanes, alkenes, aromatic compounds, alcohols, thiols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, esters, anhydrides, amides and amines. Stereochemistry. Carbohydrates. Lipids. Amino acids and protein structure. Nucleotides.
Biochemistry Module Description of macromolecules with storage and structure functions of biological interest. Oxygen carriers, enzymes and mechanism of action, metabolism in the skeletal muscle activities, contribition of carboidrates, lipids and proteins to muscle energy requirements, metabolic disorders of the skeletal muscle and liver and other organs, fatigue mechanism, molecular muscle structure, athlete's nutrition, hormones and doping.

Carbohydrates: nomenclature and classification of aldoses and ketoses. Complexes sugars (hexosamine, sialic acid) disaccharides (saccarose, maltose, lactose, cellobiose), structural homopolysaccarides : cellulose, reserve omopolysaccahrides: starch and glycogen. Heteropolysaccarides: glycosaminoglycans.
Proteins: Chemical classification of amino acids; reactivity of the amine and acidic groups, D-L series and their biological significance, Peptide linkage and its chemical-physical properties, Protein structures.
Lipid: simple lipids: fatty acids, the role of the double linkage, isomers. Complex lipids: triglycerides, glycerophospholipids, sphingolipids. Biological membranes, cholesterol and its derivates, glycoproteins.
Oxygen transporters: Mioglobin and haemoglobin. Enzymes: properties and kinetics. Enzymatic inhibition, regulatory enzymes, allosteric enzymes and covalently regulated enzymes.
Metabolism: Bio energy, ATP-ADP, Catabolism and anabolism relationship, phosphorilation and ATP availability, Glucose activation, glycogen metabolism, and its control mechanisms.
The glycolysis and its control mechanisms, pyruvate oxidative decarboxylation, gluconeogenesis and its control mechanisms, Fatty acids oxidation, Krebs, energy balance and its control mechanism. Anaplerotic reaction. Amino acid metabolism: transamination and transdesamination. Damage of Ammonia mechanism and protection against ammonia, glutamine and urea cycle, ketonic bodies, metabolism during starvation.
Haeme and bilirubin catabolism.
Hormones: general properties and action mechanisms, doping.

Fiecchi - Chimica e propedeutica biochimica - Edi-ermes
Santaniello – Principi di chimica generale ed organica - Piccin
Fiorilli et al. Biochimica per le scienze motorie ed Ambrosiana

The course is organized with lectures that provide for slide projections (usually in English). During the explanation in the classroom the students are invited to interact with the teachers with questions and curiosity. During the lectures the teachers will also present cases and daily facts that can make the application / importance of the subjects of the teachings understand. Students have the obligation to attend classes as established in the educational regulations of the study course and to sign the time sheet for taking the exam. Teachers undertake to make projected presentations available to lectures and other material of interest (articles) through the University computer platforms (e-learning) to which students have access.

In the teacher's presentations there will be links to web pages for further information. For reception students make an appointment by email with the teachers.
Student reception: appointment by e-mail (