Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (40 hours), Exercise (12 hours)


Written examination (duration: 1 h), composed by 2 parts: 1) 15 multiple choice questions (for each answer 2 points if correct, 0 if null and -0,5 if wrong); 2) 1 open question on a theoretical model or on an exercise. Each part should be sufficient (minimum mark of 18/30) and the final mark will be the average of the two parts’ marks. During the exercitations some examples of questions will be explained.
It is possible to held the examination in two steps: in the middle and at the end of the course or, alternatively, in one solution in the exam sessions. In the first case the student shall reach a minimum grade of 18/30 in both exam text and the final grade will be the mathematical average of the two marks.

Voto Finale

The aim of the course is to give the fundamental instruments and concepts which are necessary to the analysis of industrial economics and organization. Special attention will be given to the determinants and the effects of the industrial structure and the firms’ strategies on the different markets.
At the end of the course, students will be able to understand the fundamental characteristics of different market structures and to make an economic analysis of the several industries which compose an economic system.

Introduction to industrial economics (3-4 h) (3 h)
Market structures: definition and classification
Entry deterrence (2-3 h)
Industrial and geographic concentration: indexes and determinants (3 h)
Models of not-cooperative & cooperative oligopoly (5-6 h)
Price strategies (3 h)
Product differentiation (3 h)
Innovation and R&D (4 h)
Firm strategies of growth: M&A, strategic alliances, integrations and vertical restrictions (5-6 h)
Antitrust policies and market regulation policies (3 h)

- Lipczynski J., Wilson J.O.S., Goddard J., Economia industriale. Concorrenza, strategie e politiche pubbliche, Pearson Italia, 2017, all the chapters with the exception of chapters 4 and 15.
- Slides and readings of the seminars will be available on the e-learning platform.
- Other materials (lectures’ slides, case studies and other documents) will be also available on the e-learning platform.


In-class lectures, case studies and seminars

Academic Timetable on appointment
