foto di Elena


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Elena Maggi, PhD in Transport, Traffic and Environment (University of Trieste, 2000), is Associate Professor in Economics at the University of Insubria (Varese, Italy), Department of Economics, where she teaches Industrial Economics, Transport Economics and Innovation, Transport Decision Making. She is Mobility Manager of University of Insubria and Rectoral Delegate for Relations with the Territory and Businesses. She is member of the scientific board of the PhD in Methods and Models for Economic Decisions, Department of Economics, University of Trieste and of the board of master “Global Supply Chain Management and Logistics”, University IUAV of Venice. She is member of the editorial office of European Transport-Trasporti Europei scientific journal. Her research interests are mainly concentrated in Transportation Economics, with a particular focus on sustainable urban mobility, city logistics, tourism and sustainability, economics logistics and internationalisation, infrastructure, location of logistics nodes and maritime transport. On these issues she has participated, as coordinator and researcher, to several national and international projects and she is member of the Advisory Board of SmartFuSION European project.