The University of Insubria supports its researchers in carrying out their research activities through several services which aim at individual well-being and the development of academic life.
- Entrance support
- Accommodation: The University of Insubria offers several accommodation possibilities, in both Como and Varese, to those who wish to study or teach at the University, but live far away.
Doctoral students can express their interest in accessing the residential facility in the admission application
Research fellows or Visiting Professor may contact their Departmental Administrative Office in charge to present a request. Assignment depends on availability in chronological order. - Libraries: The University Library System represents a coordinated system of structures and services which support research and teaching activities, with the purpose of guaranteeing the development, preservation, promotion, management and use of the library and documentary assets of the University, as well as the arrangement of suitable services to access the bibliographic information and documents.
The Library System includes four libraries, which, for the time being, may be accessed upon reservation: the Economics Library and the Medicine and Sciences Library in Varese; the Law and Humanities Library and the Sciences Library in Como. - Eduroam: The University has joined the Eduroam system, a service which allows users from other organizations to access the wireless network in a simple and safe way, using the credentials provided by their organizations.
- Report and complaints: Uninsubria provides you with channels and contact persons whom you can refer to in order to submit reports (comments or suggestions for improvement) or complaints/appeals, which the University will take into consideration to improve its services.
For further information, please go to
To request services, please send the Incoming form to
Research activity support
Researchers are supported in the entire implementation process of their research projects:
- Scouting: searching for partners/funding sources, through:
- the Research Newsletter, which is sent to all professors, research fellows, and recipients of scholarships, with updated information on the research funding promoted by the University and on mobility programs.
- the arrangement of supplementary worksheets for the main selection calls
- research on specific topics through the Research Professional portal
- Publication of the University’s profile on the main partner search platforms (Euraxess, Funding and Tenders Portal, Topuniversity)
- Support for the submission of project proposals for funding selection calls:
- online and offline applications
- consultancy on the articulation of the project design, particularly on the ethical aspects of research
- finding and checking documents and forms attached to the applications
- specific guidelines for the main funding programs with useful information and templates, available from the restricted access intranet area
- pre-screening of H2020 and Horizon Europe project proposals by APRE, Horizon’s National Contact Point
- Results promotion in terms of communication, dissemination and technological transfer, through:
- the Innovation Newsletter, which is sent to all professors, research fellows and recipients of scholarships, with updated information on the topics related to technological transfer
- support on aspects connected to intellectual property, copyright and open access, also by using patent database (Orbit Intelligence) and antiplagiarism software (Compilatio)
- promotion of Researchers' initiatives with communication actions aimed at disseminating events, services, projects, research, activities training, etc. The actions of communication may be addressed within the University (i.e. to teaching staff, staff administrative technician and enrolled students) and/or externally (nationally and/or internationally) in comparisons of students (enrolled and prospective), alumni (graduates, doctorates, masters students, etc.), of educational institutions of all levels, of the families of future students, of citizens and of local communities, other universities, businesses, public and private institutions, the media, through various channels (institutional website, University social media, press national and local) for different targets
- Registry of research products (publications, projects, prizes) through Irinsubria

IRInSubria - Institutional Research Information System
IRInSubria collects, stores, documents and disseminates information on the scientific production of the University of Insubria from 2015, also for the purposes of research evaluation.
The University research product repository is the only source of data for both internal and external evaluation and also automatically populates the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) research registry.
From 2020 lRInSubria also stores information connected to research and third mission:
- IRIS-RM is the section which allows to gather information on the scientific CV of professors/researchers and on related human and infrastructural research resources, international mobility, training activities and Public Engagement.
- IRIS-AP is the section which gathers information on projects, agreements and research contracts.
Research training
Several figures contribute to the organization of events which address researchers: the Doctoral School, the individual Departments, the Research services. This results in a wide and balanced proposal for PhD students, professors, research fellows and personnel who organize research projects, which aims to provide specialized and interdisciplinary expertise whose purpose is to promote the career development of researchers.
Starting from 2021 these initiatives are articulated in a multi-year training plan for researchers.
Part of this multi-year training plan is aimed at young researchers and is integrated in their PCDP Personal Career Development Plan
To signal specific proposals or interests, please write to
Teaching and Learning Center
The Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) is a special University center which aims to encourage original research paths with an interdisciplinary approach on issues related to educational innovation. The priority objectives of the Center are:
- promote interdisciplinary research on issues relating to didactic innovation and the development of transversal skills, through the study of qualitative and quantitative methodological criteria, aimed at opening new and original research and experimentation paths at national and international level;
- prepare and propose national and international training and research projects for the implementation of new methodological, teaching and transversal skills through the offer of training and consultancy courses aimed both inside and outside the University;
- open new and original research, experimentation and service paths, aimed at improving the match between supply and demand in the labor market;
- favor the comparison, diffusion and dissemination of knowledge through conferences, courses and any other useful initiative;
- activate paths for the development of didactic and transversal skills in collaboration with local, national and international realitie