Training for Researchers
Building up our first "Training Plan for Researchers"

In the framework of the actions adopted for the European Strategy HRS4R, a comprehensive Training Plan for Researchers will be defined in the next few months: two different surveys have been analysing individual needs, collective opportunities and institutional requirements of our University:
- online survey is addressed to all our professors, researchers, post-docs and Phd students and is focused on individual training needs;
- in addition, a specific survey addressed to the Governance, the Rector's Delegates, the Heads of Department and AiQUA-R's Presidents aims at exploring the institutional opportunity of offering some courses of general interest.
From January 17th to April 1st 2020, an online anonymous questionnaire has been filled in by 180 researchers. Aggregated data are available here.
As a result of this analysis a training plan was defined and approved by Research Committee, with the support of the Teaching Commitee and the Academic Senate.
Training Plan for Researchers 2021-2023
There are many different actors in our University contributing to the setting of a programme of training events: from the Doctoral School to the Departments, from the Research Office to different services related to teaching and mentoring.
The result is a broad and calibrated proposal of topics ranging from doctoral students, professors, post-docs, staff who deal with the organisation of research projects.
The training plan is structured in 3 frameworks and several topics:
- Academic writing in Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
- 25-26.02.2021 Conference “La formazione linguistica quale veicolo di internazionalizzazione degli Atenei italiani/
Language training as a vehicle for the internationalization of Italian universities”, (ITA) by CRUI
- 25-26.02.2021 Conference “La formazione linguistica quale veicolo di internazionalizzazione degli Atenei italiani/
- Academic writing in Life Sciences and Phisical Sciences (LS + PE)
- Italian for International researchers:
- The University of Insubria provides on demand free of charge Italian language courses to incoming international students and researchers in Varese and Como. For more information:
- Scientific English
- Bibliography literacy
- Research Methodology
- Time management
- Innovation Camp: from the business idea to the execution:
- 25-26.03.2021 “Innovation Camp for Insubria PhD Students. Deep Dive Into Innovation and Execution”. Open to all Phd Students.
- Writing a successful proposal in Horizon Europe (+ focus on inner procedures)
- 24.03.2021 “Webinar: How to prepare a successful proposal in Horizon Europe”, by European Commission
- 23.03.2021 Webinar “MSCA under Horizon Europe Information Event”, By European Comission
- Managing research grant (+ focus on inner procedures)
- 30.03.2021 Webinar “Avoiding errors in declaring personnel costs in Horizon 2020 grants”, by European Commission
- IPR and entrepreneurship (+ focus on inner procedures)
- Info day: funding researchers and research project:
- 23-26.02.2021 “EU industry days:Europe’s flagship annual event on industry”(ENG), by EU commission
- 24.02.2021 Webinar “Horizon Europe. Mission: SOIL HEALTH & FOOD” (IT), by APRE
- 17.02.2021 Webinar “Funding opportunities in neurodegenerative diseases panel”, by ADDF
- 11.02.2021 Webinar “Research Professional end users training”, by Research Professional Team
- 10-11.02.2021 Virtual Matchmaking Event “Bringing Value to Agrobiomass”, by Agrobioheat Project
- 27.01.2021 Webinar “Successful transition from fossil to bio-based products” , by BIOSWITCH Project
- 26-27.01.2021 Conference “1st annual European Digital Innovation Hubs conference”, by EDIH
- 22.01.2021 Webinar “Credit quality and SME support actions: what perspectives in post-COVID?”, by Intecofin Project – Department of Economics, University of Insubria
- 21.01.2021 Webinar "Integration of Biogas Systems into the Energy System”, by IEA Bioenergy
- Selection Committees’ Member Tutorial
- Animal welfare and protection in research activities and laboratories:
Workshop with final exam “Animal welfare and protection in research activities and laboratories” is available on e-learning platform in the “Organismo preposto al benessere animale” section. The workshop is mandatory in order to access the laboratories.
- Research data management and applied statistics:
- 23.02.2021 Webinar “High standards: a common language for public data” (ENG), by GGF e Deloitte
- 01-23.02.2021 Webinars “Biostatistics” (reserved for Phd Students), by University of Insubria
- New ethical code and ethical aspect of research:
- 17.02/23.06.2021 Online Roundtables “METARESPS – Methodological Aspects of Research Ethics and Safety in Political Studies”, by Unibo
Other topics:
18.02/04.05.2021 Webinars “Laboratorio di finanza digitale/ Digital Finance Laboratory” (IT), by Crea.Res, University of Insubria
05/ 26.03.21 “Green School: Lombard network for sustainable development”,in collaboration with the Network of Universities for Sustainable Development (RUS). Three webinars, organized by Chiara Gigliarano, Elena Maggi, Evangelia Pantelaki and Gianluca Ruggieri:
-“Energy efficiency in advanced territorial buildings and training” - 05.03.21 9.00 - 11.30
-"Wellbeing and territory: what are the challenges for a sustainable restart?" - 17.03.21 16.00 - 18.00
-”Networking for sustainable mobility: comparison of mobility management experiences” - 26.03.21 15.00-17.00
Registrer here
- University teaching for new enrolled researchers (R3):
- Innovating teaching – Presence, Blended, Remote, by University of Insubria. 4 Webinars mandatary for RTD-b and RTD-a Researchers (R3) and open to all interested teachers (R4). Videos are available on e-learning platform.
- 18.11.20 “Didactic models and operational proposals for blended and remote teaching” Stefano Bonometti (theoretical part and case studies) (n. participants 57)
- 04.12.20 “Specific Learning Disorders Indications and tools to promote learning” Cristiano Termine (theoretical part and studies) (n. participants 55)
- 18.01.21 “Student involvement: psycho-pedagogical aspects of learning and motivation” Domenico Simeone Catholic University of Milan (n. participants 60)
- 04.03.21 “The assessment of learning and assessment as a formative function” (theoretical part and case studies)
- Innovating teaching – Presence, Blended, Remote, by University of Insubria. 4 Webinars mandatary for RTD-b and RTD-a Researchers (R3) and open to all interested teachers (R4). Videos are available on e-learning platform.
- Supervising and mentoring:
STEMskiller Skill set map for mentors of early career researchers: open educational resources in English useful in guiding students towards excellence
- Communication of the research and public engagement:
- 25.01.2021 Webinar “A look inside the black box of scientific publishing” (reserved for Phd Students), by University of Insubria
- Teaching and lecturing skills for young researchers (R1-R2)
- Public speaking
- Equality and gender measures
- Innovating University teaching for senior researchers (R4):
- Innovating teaching – Presence, Blended, Remote. Webinars mandatary for RTD-b and RTD-a Researchers (R3) and open to all interested teachers (R4). Videos are available on e-learning platform.
05.05.2021 “Mission Starfish 2030”, by APRE, MIUR
21.04.2021 “A successful proposal for Horizon Europe: Scientific-technical excellence is key, but don’t forget the other aspects”, By European Commission.
07.04.2021 Webinar “Il ruolo di Randstad nella soluzione del mismatching sul mercato del lavoro in Italia: alcune buone pratiche”/ “Randstad's role in solving mismatching on the Italian labor market: some good practices” (IT), by Department of Economics, University of Insubria
18.02/04.05.2021 Webinars “Laboratorio di finanza digitale/ Digital Finance Laboratory” (IT), by Crea.Res, University of Insubria
05/ 26.03.21 “Green School: Lombard network for sustainable development”,in collaboration with the Network of Universities for Sustainable Development (RUS). Three webinars, organized by Chiara Gigliarano, Elena Maggi, Evangelia Pantelaki and Gianluca Ruggieri:
-“Energy efficiency in advanced territorial buildings and training” - 05.03.21 9.00 - 11.30
-"Wellbeing and territory: what are the challenges for a sustainable restart?" - 17.03.21 16.00 - 18.00
-”Networking for sustainable mobility: comparison of mobility management experiences” - 26.03.21 15.00-17.00
Registrer here -
25-26.03/may 2021 “Innovation Camp for Insubria PhD Students. Deep Dive Into Innovation and Execution”. Open to all Phd Students” (ENG) by Research ad Innovation Office, University of Insubria
Archive - Past training courses
Here below are listed all training courses for researchers.
To consult program, materials, streaming of the event and, where available, slides, please access the e-learning platform “Working Groups>Research and Innovation section”.
- (mandatory) Workshop with final exam “Animal welfare and protection in research activities and laboratories” available on e-learning platform in the “Organismo preposto al benessere animale” section
- 17.12.2020 “Towards the new individual calls in MSCA – Horizon Europe: Postdoctoral Fellowship”, by APRE – n. participants: 82
- 9-11-12.11.2020 Research Professional End Users Training
- 01-02.10.2020 “How to support an idea and succefully fund a project: collaborate with Swiss Foundations”
- a.y. 2019-20: MiReS Project "Improvement of Syllabi Editing" by Drs Anna Serbati and Sabrina Maniero (University of Padova)
- training meetings for Presidents of the course of study, other teachers and administrative staff-PTA (17-18.02.2020, 20.04.2020, 03.062020) – avarage n. participants: 42 teachers, 17 PTA
- meeting with student representatives (28.05.2020) – n. participants: 19
- 03.12.2019 “The social, economic and humanities sciences in Horizon 2020”, by APRE – n. participants: 6
- 07.11.2019 "Budgeting and reporting of H2020 projects", by APRE – n. participants: 29
- 14.03.2019 “How to write a collaborative research project in Horizon2020”, by APRE – n. participants: 42
- 19.02.2019 “Le Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions” by APRE – n. participants: 27
- a.y. 2018-19 “InFormAQualità: Training program on Quality Assurance”, addressed to technical-administrative staff and teachers:
- 1.10. 2018 “Design as a degree program” - Prof. Vincenzo Zara – n. participants: 28 teachers, 39 PTA
- 24.10.2018 “The key documents of the Study Programs” - Prof. Alfredo Squarzoni – n. participants: 24 teachers, 44 PTA
- 8.11.2018 “The Annual Monitoring Sheet” - University Quality Committee – n. participants: 22 teachers, 38 PTA
- 28.11.2018 "The Quality Assurance of the Department (RESEARCH AND THIRD MISSION)" - Prof. Marcantonio Catelani – n. particpants:22 teachers, 28 PTA
- 24.01.2019 “The accreditation on-site visit from 2 points of view” – Prof. Muzio Gola – n. participants: 36 teachers, 57 PTA
- 14-15.03.2019 “The Quality Assurance as fil rouge in our day by day job” – Dr. Laura Sandrone – n. participants: 35 teachers, 29 PTA
- 24.01.2018 "Health in Horizon Theme" by APRE – – n. participants: 21
- 13.12.2017 "Socio-economic and humanistic sciences in Horizon 2020", by APRE: – n. participants: 20
- 24.11.2016 Info day "Intellectual property between Research and Business" – n. participants: 39
- 31.05.2016 Training course "Horizon 2020: how to write a successful proposal in the ERC program" by APRE – n. participants: 39
- 03.11.2015 Training Course "Communication and Dissemination in research projects", by APRE – n. participants: 41
- 28.05.2015 Training Course: "Researchers on the move: Marie Sklodowska-Curie (MSCA) in Horizon 2020". Focus on calls for ITN European PhD networks and for individual IF mobility in Europe and worldwide " – n. participants: 19
- 24-25.03.2015 Training Course: “ How to write a successfull proposal in H2020: from theory to practice” by Eu. Core
- 27.01.2015 Info Day: "Opportunities for researchers, interventions by various speakers on national calls, ERC grants, Marie Curie Actions" – n. participants: 115
- 07.11.2014 Training Course "Horizon 2020: administrative, legal and financial aspects", by APRE – n. participants: 53
- 27.10.2014 Training Course "Horizon 2020: Open Access, Europe, Italy", as part of the International Open Access Week
- 25.06.2014 Training Course "How to present a successful proposal in Horizon 2020", by APRE – n. participants: 60
National Contact Point for H2020 - APRE

Since 2014, University of Insubria has been associating with APRE, the Agency for the Promotion of European Research and National Contact Point for the Horizon 2020 Program of the European Commission. Among the services offered to its members:
- pre-screening of project proposals
- two training courses a year held at our premises
- direct contact via email or telephone with contacts for each thematic area of Horizon