- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Bibliography
- Delivery method
- Teaching methods
hourly frequency 75%
Know the main methods for the prevention of cross infection. Know the techniques of disinfection and sterilization of the principals used. Knowing the behaviour suitable to prevent the spread of cross infection in the dental
Methods of prevention of cross infection in dentistry. Hand hygiene. Correct use of personal Protective Equipment. Preventing infections crusades through the use of disinfection methods ( knowledge of disinfectants and their use)Sterilization ( cold/ autoclaves). Management and disposal of infectious waste according to the regulations, cleaning and sterilization of dental unit dental
Marinotti G, Il Rischio infettivo in odontoiatria, angeli s.r.l. ( Mi) 1993.
Raitano A, antisepsi e disinfezione in ospedale, oemf s.p.a. ( Mi) 1990
Raccomandazioni per la prevenzione delle infezioni crociate, 2001.
Dentista Moderno, l’igiene in odontoiatria, 2006
Istituto Superiore per la prevenzione e sicurezza del lavoro (ISPEL) Linee guida per la valutazione del rischio, Roma ISPEL, 2002
frontal lessons 9
practise 3