- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Full programme
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
For the fruitful attendance of teaching, the basic knowledge of Biology, Chemistry, Histology, Anatomy that the student acquired during the 2nd grade high schools is sufficient.
The written test will be held mediate Quiz-Moodle
The oral test will include
- the observation of an image with the commentary of the microscopic field up to the definition of the tissue or ultrastructural detail.
- Questions from the program
Single final grade in thirtieths.
the written test will be carried out in the computer rooms and the oral test in the classrooms of the teaching pavilion.
The verification of learning is divided into a first written test and a subsequent oral test.
The written test consists of 30 multiple-choice questions, to be solved in 30 minutes: 20 questions of cytology and histology, 10 of embryology, ranging over all the main topics covered in each module.
Each completely correct answer is scored 1 point and each answer not given 0 points, small penalty for wrong answer. If only wrong answers are answered, the score will not go negative.
To pass the written test it is necessary to have answered correctly at least 20 questions and this gives the student the eligibility for admission to the oral test only of the same call.
The result of the written test is used only for admission to the oral test and the grade will not be averaged.
The oral test includes
- the reading, recognition and commentary of a histological preparation with description of the microscopic field observed up to the definition of the tissue.
- Questions from the program conducted Single final grade in thirtieths.
Each test aims to verify
- the degree of deepening of the topics
- the ability to describe the structures that constitute the cytoplasm and the extracellular matrix of all tissues.
- The knowledge of the development of the zygote up to organogenesis.
- the ability to analyze histological preparations and discuss them, knowing how to make connections between the various topics
The clarity in the expression of the concepts exposed and the ability to use the appropriate terminology will be particularly appreciated.
During the exam, clothing appropriate to the context is required.
The teaching leads the student to mature the basic culture necessary to understand the structure of human tissues and organs under normal conditions, as well as the structure and development of the embryo.
These knowledge are fundamental prerequisites for understanding the contents of the subsequent teachings of Human Anatomy, Human Physiology, Human Pathology.
It is an integrated course consisting of the following modules
- Cytology and human histology
- Microscopic histology
- Embryology
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
- describe the general organization of human eukaryotic cells
- recognize the morphological characteristics of different cells and tissues of the human body under normal conditions
- discuss the functional aspects most directly associated with the specific morphological organization
- describe the various stages of human prenatal development from the zygote (fertilization) to the embryo (embryogenesis) to the fetus (organogenesis) until birth, with reference to the related control and regulation mechanisms
- explain the basic concepts of gametogenesis and the characteristics of human reproduction from the earliest stages of embryonic development
- know how to explain or list the techniques and methodologies most commonly used in the study of histology
- comment on images of optical microscopy, transmission electron and scanning of biological tissues
- contextualize microscopic information bringing it back to a macroscopic context
- use the optical microscope,
- recognize and illustrate the basic histological stains
- express autonomy of judgment in the evaluation of histological preparations
- discuss the aforementioned topics using the appropriate scientific language
Means of investigation, most common histological techniques.
Cell membrane: structure, functions and specializations
Cytoplasmic organelles: smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, Golgi, lysosomes, phagocytosis vesicles, mitochondria, cytoskeleton and centriole: structure and function
Core: morphology and composition. DNA, RNA. Brief notes on protein synthesis. Mitosis and meiosis.
- lining and glandular epithelia
connective tissue proper
- cartilage tissue,
- bone tissue,
- blood cells
- skeletal and smooth striated muscle tissue
-nervous tissue
General concepts on origins, aims and instruments of Histology.
The cell membrane and the inner membranes: SER, RER, Golgi, nuclear membranes. The glycocalyx. The ribosome and protein synthesis. Endo- and exocytosis. Cell junctions.
The cytoskeleton. Contractile proteins, cilia and flagella.
Cell organules: mitochondria, lysosomes, perossisomes. Cell inclusions.
The nucleus and the nuclear content. The cell cycle, mitosis and meiosis.
The tissues: the epithelia. The secretion and the glands.
The muscle tissue: skeletal, cardiac, smooth.
The connective tissues and the extracellular matrix.
The nervous tissue and the glia.
Lessons will be delivered face-to-face, with 75% attendance required.
Students can interact with the teacher in audio or via chat.
The material is made available to the student for free consultation and it is absolutely forbidden to distribute it to third parties who are not authorised to access it and download it onto their own devices.
The course will be structured with lectures followed by a moment, at the end of each lecture, of discussion on the topic.
Classes are supported by optional meetings with tutors, who are made available each year to help students who need it with their studies
Meetings are held either electronically or in Varese at the Laboratory of Human Morphology, Via Monte Genero 71, Biomedical pole former agricultural colony. tel 0332 217456
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