Degree course: 
Corso di Long single cycle degree (6 years) in MEDICINE AND SURGERY
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Basic compulsory subjects
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (40 hours), Seminar (10 hours)

To successfully follow the lessons, knowledge of the basics of mathematical analysis is required: proportions, powers and logarithms, angles, elementary geometry, elementary trigonometry, functions (linear, logarithmic, exponential, sinusoidal) including the meaning of derivative and integral.

Final Examination: 

Normally the exam consists of a written test divided into four parts:

20 questions of the type on simple fundamental topics,

4 thematic topics to be developed (about 1-2 pages per topic),

60 questions of the type YES/NO on the exam program,

2 problems.

The test lasts 3 hours.

The student is then summoned to know and view the result of the written test which usually constitutes the final result of the exam.

Voto Finale

Educational objectives and expected learning outcomes

In the discussion of the topics described below, reference is made to some basic notions of Physics such as elements of Mechanics, Thermology and Thermodynamics, Electro-magnetism and the description of wave phenomena.

FLUID MECHANICS and SURFACE PHENOMENA: - Express the characteristics of fluids, define the physical quantities present in a fluid (such as pressure and flow rate) with the relative different units of measurement and their conversion factors.

- Enunciate the principles of Pascal, Stevino and Archimedes and apply the notion of hydrostatic pressure to subjects in an upright position.

- Describe the motion of a fluid in a laminar and turbulent regime and apply the principle of energy conservation to the motion of a liquid (Bernoulli's theorem).

- Develop the effects on the inhomogeneity motion regime in the blood and of surface phenomena based on the cohesion forces between molecules, in particular derive the Laplace formula and express the Laplace formula for cylindrical elastic membranes. - Discuss the hydrodynamic effects of the beating blood motion.

- Know the meaning of mechanical impedance of a distensible duct.

- Be able to describe the phenomena of sedimentation, centrifugation and electrophoresis, in particular by discussing their applications in medicine.


- Explain the concept of heat and its energy units, the thermometric scales and the laws of ideal gases with the relative conditions of application to real gases and to the gaseous mixture called air.

- Discuss the first and second principles of thermodynamics and the meaning of enthalpy and be able to apply them to biochemical processes via the free energy state function.

- Know the mechanisms of heat transport.


- Knowing how to define and evaluate the torque and know the relations of translational and rotatory equilibrium and apply them to the balance of the three types of levers exemplified in various joints.

Dentistry students: knowledge of how to describe the balance of the jaw.


- Knowing how to describe Coulomb's law, the electric field, the electric potential and knowing how to derive the potential of electric dipole and of dipolar layer, including the notion of solid angle.

- Knowledge of the definition of electric current, electric current density, Ohm's laws and their application to electrolytic solutions and the charging and discharging process of a capacitor.

- Knowledge of the alternating current circuits and the concept of electrical impedance.


- Describe the passive concentration gradient transport (Fick's law) and the hydraulic pressure gradient mechanism (filtration) and know how to apply them to gas diffusion in biological systems

(Henry's law).

- Discuss osmosis and the osmotic pressure gradient mechanism. Knowledge of the laws of osmosis and of the concept of chemical potential of a solution. Be able to apply passive transport mechanisms to biological systems.

- Knowledge of the electrolytic potential and be able to derive the Nernst equilibrium formula by applying it to the excitable cell membrane and describe the role of the NA-K pump and the action potential (its development and its propagation in unmyelinated and myelinated fibers).

- Knowledge of the link between the propagation of the action potential and ECG, EEG and EMG signals.


- Knowledge of the characteristics of wave phenomena and their propagation (reflection, refraction, interference, polarization, Doppler effect).

GMECHANICS of FLUIDS in BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS: Equilibrium in fluids. The hydrodynamic circuit of the blood: flow rate, blood velocity and continuity equation. Non-viscous fluids: Bernoulli's theorem. Viscous fluids: laminar and turbulent flow. Viscosity measurement. Non stationary motions. Cohesion forces and surface tension. Elastic tension of a membrane and Laplace's law. Applications of Bernoulli's theorem, flow measurements. Blood viscosity: composition, normal viscous behavior and blood viscosity abnormalities. Resistance of the vessels and pressure variation in the circulation system: resistance of the vessels, resistance and motion regimes, effect of hydrostatic pressure. Work and cardiac power: the cardiac pump, cardiac cycle, calculation of work and of cardiac power. Measurement of blood pressure. Applications of surface tension: capillarity phenomena, gas embolism. The equilibrium formula of Laplace and the equilibrium radius of the vessels. Hydrodynamic effects of vessel distensibility: general considerations, beating motion and mechanical impedance. Viscous transport: sedimentation, electrophoresis and centrifugation.

ELEMENTS of BIOMECHANICS: Balance and levers applied to the joints in the human body.

THERMODYNAMICS in BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS: Thermodynamic systems in biology. Laws of ideal gases and real gases applied to biology. State functions and thermodynamic potentials in biochemical reactions. Mechanisms of heat transmission: convection, conduction, radiation. Evaporation and counter flow heat exchange.

TRANSPORT MECHANISMS in BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS: Membranes in biological systems. Free diffusion and diffusion through biological membranes. Filtration. Gas-liquid equilibria in biological systems (oxygen transport). Osmotic phenomena in biological systems. The microcirculation. Electrical phenomena in biological systems: general aspects, electrochemical flows. Electrochemical potentials and equilibria. Donnan-Gibbs equilibrium. Oncotic pressure. Cell membrane resting potential and passive transport mechanisms. Active transport mechanisms (Na-K pump). Membrane work. Bioelectric activities in biological systems. The action potential. Properties of axon (unmyelinated). Action potential propagation. The case of myelinated fibers. ECG, EMG, EEG tracks.

WAVE PHENOMENA in BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS: Notes on the mechanism of hearing. Vision: the eye as an optical system and hints on the mechanism of vision.

MEDICAL INSTRUMENTS: Flow and pressure measurements in the circulatory system. Fourier analysis and its applications. Doppler flowmetry. Technical notes on ECG and EEG. The microscope: simple, compound, hints on the separating power and depth of field of the microscope. Special optical microscopes (outline). The polarimeter and the rotating power. Spectrophotometry. Notes on microwaves, infrared radiation, ultraviolet rays. X-rays and their production: the X-ray tube and X-ray emission spectrum. X-rays in medical diagnostics: absorption of X-rays in biological systems, the radiological imaging. Ionizing radiation detectors (outline). Effects of radiation in inert matter and biological matter: X and gamma radiation, corpuscular radiation. Dosimetry and related units of measurement.

In-depth seminars are held on electrocardiography, imaging techniques (CT, SPET, PET, MRI) and radiotherapy with protons and ions (hadron therapy).

MECHANICS of FLUIDS in BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS: Equilibrium in fluids. The hydrodynamic circuit of the blood: flow rate, blood velocity and continuity equation. Non-viscous fluids: Bernoulli's theorem. Viscous fluids: laminar and turbulent flow. Viscosity measurement. Non stationary motions. Cohesion forces and surface tension. Elastic tension of a membrane and Laplace's law. Applications of Bernoulli's theorem, flow measurements. Blood viscosity: composition, normal viscous behavior and blood viscosity abnormalities. Resistance of the vessels and pressure variation in the circulation system: resistance of the vessels, resistance and motion regimes, effect of hydrostatic pressure. Work and cardiac power: the cardiac pump, cardiac cycle, calculation of work and of cardiac power. Measurement of blood pressure. Applications of surface tension: capillarity phenomena, gas embolism. The equilibrium formula of Laplace and the equilibrium radius of the vessels. Hydrodynamic effects of vessel distensibility: general considerations, beating motion and mechanical impedance. Viscous transport: sedimentation, electrophoresis and centrifugation.

ELEMENTS of BIOMECHANICS: Balance and levers applied to the joints in the human body.

THERMODYNAMICS in BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS: Thermodynamic systems in biology. Laws of ideal gases and real gases applied to biology. State functions and thermodynamic potentials in biochemical reactions. Mechanisms of heat transmission: convection, conduction, radiation. Evaporation and counter flow heat exchange.

TRANSPORT MECHANISMS in BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS: Membranes in biological systems. Free diffusion and diffusion through biological membranes. Filtration. Gas-liquid equilibria in biological systems (oxygen transport). Osmotic phenomena in biological systems. The microcirculation. Electrical phenomena in biological systems: general aspects, electrochemical flows. Electrochemical potentials and equilibria. Donnan-Gibbs equilibrium. Oncotic pressure. Cell membrane resting potential and passive transport mechanisms. Active transport mechanisms (Na-K pump). Membrane work. Bioelectric activities in biological systems. The action potential. Properties of axon (unmyelinated). Action potential propagation. The case of myelinated fibers. ECG, EMG, EEG tracks.

WAVE PHENOMENA in BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS: Notes on the mechanism of hearing. Vision: the eye as an optical system and hints on the mechanism of vision.

MEDICAL INSTRUMENTS: Flow and pressure measurements in the circulatory system. Fourier analysis and its applications. Doppler flowmetry. Technical notes on ECG and EEG. The microscope: simple, compound, hints on the separating power and depth of field of the microscope. Special optical microscopes (outline). The polarimeter and the rotating power. Spectrophotometry. Notes on microwaves, infrared radiation, ultraviolet rays. X-rays and their production: the X-ray tube and X-ray emission spectrum. X-rays in medical diagnostics: absorption of X-rays in biological systems, the radiological imaging. Ionizing radiation detectors (outline). Effects of radiation in inert matter and biological matter: X and gamma radiation, corpuscular radiation. Dosimetry and related units of measurement.

In-depth seminars are held on electrocardiography, imaging techniques (CT, SPET, PET, MRI) and radiotherapy with protons and ions (hadron therapy).


Lectures with presentation of slides described and discussed by the teacher. The slides are available online.


