Degree course: 
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (36 hours), Exercise (18 hours)

The basic concepts of Environmental Engineering, Inorganic and Organic Chemistry are intended to be established and the concepts of Environmental Impact Assessment and Reclamation of Contaminated Sites in a Bachelor Degree in the Environmental Sector are recommended (but not mandatory).

The examination of Advanced Environmental Engineering is divided into two partial tests, each related to modules A (solid waste) and B (wastewater treatment).
In order to pass both tests, the student must demonstrate adequate theoretical knowledge of the topics covered, ability to perform calculations aimed at designing and verifying the functionality of the treatment plants and ability to expose the acquired knowledge. The answers will positively evaluate both the completeness and the synthesis in the topic presentation, also using schemes, graphs and illustrations.
As specified above, passing the exam is linked to the positive (positive evaluation of 18 out of thirty) outcome of both partial tests provided for each of the two modules. The final evaluation will be the average of the two evaluations, as long as both of them are, at least, sufficient. The student who has passed both partial exams will have to enrol in the final exam which will only consist in the registration of the final mark.
The topics dealt with during any seminars, exercises and technical visits are included in the exam topics only for the parts dealt with in the classroom for the theory lessons.

More specifically:

Module A
In order to assess the learning outcomes, a final written test will be carried out, consisting of 10 questions covering all the topics covered in the course; each correct and complete answer is evaluated three points. Also the personal bibliographic work done by the students and delivered before the end of the course. The candidate, having read the overall assessment of the written test, can request an oral supplementary exam on a date to be defined.

Module B
In order to assess the learning outcomes, a final oral exam will be carried out, on the various topics covered in the course, which include carrying out sizing exercises or verification of one or more treatment units. The answers will positively evaluate both the completeness and the synthesis in the topic presentation, also using graphic schemes.

Voto Finale

The course constitutes a deepening and completion of the concepts of Environmental Engineering and, in particular, of pollution control systems.
The course aims to refine the knowledge and skills necessary for the activity of a technician in the field of wastewater and solid waste treatments, dedicating a specific module to each of these topics.

At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. know and describe the concepts needed to critically tackle a process of wastewater or waste classification and management
2. design the plants necessary for the treatment of wastewater and solid waste, including the most innovative technologies, and to verify its dimensional adequacy in relation to the functionality requirements
3. compare and evaluate treatment design alternatives, with the aim of recovering materials and energy and reducing the environmental impacts generated by the various types of plants
4. know the regulatory references and be able to consult them
5. describe the administrative management of wastewater and solid waste
6. set up a treatment chain possibly aimed to recovering wastewater or solid waste and minimizing the final residues and the generated environmental impact
7. participate in the environmental monitoring of real systems
8. deal with problems related to the management of plant treatment and contribute to minimize risks for operators

The topics are:
• Water characterization, reference legislation and genaral processes for the treatment of sewage
• Qualitative water characterization (physical and organoleptic parameters, chemical and biochemical parameters, microbiological parameters, sampling and water quality)
• Quantitative water characterization (flow rates)
• General characteristics of wastewater treatment processes
• Conventional purification processes: criteria and dimensioning methods
• Other innovative processes
• Hydraulic profile of a treatment plant
• Calculations for sizing and functional verification
• Charging of discharges
• Re-use of treated water
• Environmental impacts related to a treatment plant
• Energy saving

Apart from the description of the calculations for sizing and functional verifications, which the course will focus more attention on (about 8 hours), all the other topics will have a rather equivalent treatment of about 3 hours. The theoretical part of the module will last 36 hours, while the practical part, based on calculations and technical visits to wastewater treatment plants, will last 18 hours.

General description of the wastewater treatment cycle.
Calculation of the flow rates Activity title: Qualitative characterization of waste water
Mechanical treatments: lifting, screening, sand-de-oiling, sedimentation. Theoretical aspects, calculations for sizing and verification
Basic elements of biological wastewater treatments: process conditions. Biological systems with suspended biomass
Activated sludge system: theoretical aspects and sizing
Removal of nutrients. Nitrification, denitrification and dephosphating: description of processes and sizing
Process variants: MBBR, MBR, SBR, prolonged aeration, pure oxygen systems
Innovative systems for wastewater treatment
Other biomass processes: percolating beds, biodiscs. Mixed systems, biological filters. Theoretical aspects and sizing calculations
Finishing systems in water treatment: tertiary phase, filtration, disinfection. Theoretical aspects and sizing calculations
Variants for small communities, lagoon systems, constructed wetlands, biological ponds. Theoretical aspects and calculations
Sludge treatment line: general description and purpose of the treatments. Thickening, chemical stabilization of sludge, aerobic and anaerobic digestion: theory and calculations for sizing
Dewatering and drying of sludge
Reduction of the quantity produced, reuse and disposal of sludge

For each of the topics listed above, approximately 2 hours of theoretical lessons will be required to which must be added, as previously indicated, the hours to be devoted to determining the criteria and formulations for dimensioning and verifying the treatment phases.

The course is based on frontal theoretical lessons (36 hours of theoretical lessons and the remaining hours for classroom exercises or at treatment plants, as far as possible).
Classroom activities also include the drawing up of real projects, elaborations and simulations, team work and other projects, done through technical slides and videos, too.
As indicated above, compatibly with the availability of the managers, technical educational visits will be carried out at some treatment plants. If this is not possible, further classroom exercises will be carried out regarding specific problems relating to plant management.

Students can meet with the professor in his office by previous phone or email appointment (e-mail:, phone number: 0332218782).
