Degree course: 
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (48 hours)

No specific prerequisites are required. The basic concepts of ecology will be taken up again in the course.

Final Examination: 

The examination of ecology and sustainability is articulated in a written exam structured in questions as closed answers; four open-ended questions where the required topics will be treated in an expanded way using summary diagrams, graphs and illustrations.
The questions will focus on all the topics covered in the three modules, so as to allow a complete evaluation of the preparation.
The exam will take place in an interval of 1 hour. The exam will be evaluated positively on exceeding 18/30.

Voto Finale

The course presents the main topics of ecology starting from through the General Theory of Systems (module 1) and issues related to the environmental sustainability science (module 2), providing tools for analysing environmental alterations and technical and legislative solutions, particularly in altered aquatic environments (module 3). In particular, the tools and indicators for the technical analysis of environmental alteration will be presented in the European legislative contest, providing technical strategies addressed toward the requalification of environmental integrity.

Expected learning outcomes:

At the end of the course the student will be able to:
- Know the theoretical framework relating to ecology and the science of sustainability.
- refine the knowledge and skills necessary to carry out activities to control the environmental integrity and ecological sustainability of environments subject to alterations (e.g. aquatic environments), proposing updated technical solutions.
- impart theoretical notions necessary to develop a critical analysis from an interdisciplinary perspective.

The course also intends:
- educate the student about the technical language of Ecology and the understanding of the academic approach to sustainability.
- acquire the knowledge necessary to develop a critical analysis, presenting the fundamentals of ecology in an interdisciplinary perspective (module 1)
- Know the normative references of the development of the sustainability science (module 2)
- acquire the technical notions useful for identifying and quantifying the deviation from the ecological integrity of an aquatic environment (module 3)

- develop the ability to compare and evaluate environmental alterations, choosing the most suitable tools for restoring ecological integrity and sustainability
- develop ability to deal with problems in a transversal manner or be able to collaborate in the environmental monitoring of altered systems
- ability to extract and summarize the relevant information
- know how to communicate effectively with industry experts

No specific prerequisites are required. The basic concepts of ecology will be taken up again in the course.
The course topics are selected to provide an exhaustive theoretical framework relating to ecology and the science of sustainability.
The course aims to refine the knowledge and skills necessary to carry out activities to check the environmental integrity and ecological sustainability The context of aquatic ecosystems will be taken into consideration (e.g. fluvial ecosystems)
The course is divided into three modules:
module 1. Ecology (24 hours)
module 2. The science of sustainability (14 hours)
Module 3. Technical and legislative analysis of environmental recovery applied to altered river environments (10 hours)
in detail:
Module 1: ecology
- General Systems Theory (4 hours)
- Complexity and chaos theory (4 hours)
- energy and climate: climate models (4 hours)
- Energy and complexity of natural systems (4 hours)
- matter and energy: resources and reserves (4 hours)
- population and demographics (4 hours)

Module 2: The science of sustainability
- sustainability science (4 hours)
- sustainable development and sustainability schools (4 hours)
- ecosystem services (2 hours)
- ecosystem approach (2 hours)
- conferences on climate change (2 hours)
- Green new deal (2 hours)
- integrated environmental management (IEM) and environmental indicators (2 hours)

Module 3: integrated analysis of the restoration of the ecological integrity of river environments
- Water Framework Directive WFD (4 hours)
- Indicators and indices of ecological alteration (2 hours)
- case studies of restoration and renaturalization strategies (4 hours)


classic frontal lessons using ppt, diagrams and images; material taken from international literature will be provided to integrate and explore specific topics

The teacher is available by appointment by request via e-mail ( or by telephone (0332421422).
