Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in COMPUTER SCIENCE
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (48 hours)

There are no pre-conditions to overcome the exam of Internet of Things Fundamentals.

The exam is aimed at assessing the acquisition and correct understanding of the topics presented during the course and provided through the slides, and an assessment of the critical analysis’s ability and judgment autonomy on the main topics of the course itself. The exam consists of a written test, composed by 5 questions, one achieves a score of 6 points and the others of 5 points. The final grade is awarded in thirty. The evaluation criteria will be as follows: number of correct answers evaluated on the basis of the ability to summarize the acquired knowledge, showing the acquired ability to independently identify the theoretical elements to be used to solve the proposed problems and to develop a solution strategy. The final grade will also evaluate the communication ability, shown in exposing the answers to the submitted questions and the ability to properly motivate statements, analysis and judgments. The exam is succeeded with a minimum grade of 18/30.

Voto Finale

The module aims to provide the necessary knowledge and skills for understanding the innovative telecommunication systems, in order to create dynamic and skilled professional figures, with respect to the current market requests. In the program, the addressed topics are selected on the basis of two criteria: a topic that represents fundamental knowledge in the current technology landscape and/or a topic characterized by many real applications. To this end, the Internet of Things paradigm and the various technologies connected to it will be deeply studied. More in detail, Wireless Sensor Networks, RFID, NFC, and nanotechnologies will be investigated. Finally, the security and privacy requirements will be analyzed. The goals are the following:

to provide a preliminary knowledge of the functionality of the latest generation of telecommunication systems, developing, at the same time

the ability to identify a problem and solve it by means of a professional approach

the acquisition of transversal skills, such as language skills, written communication skills, and judgment autonomy. In fact, the module will try to motivate the student's critical attitude in evaluating the various solutions. The student will be able to make a judgment on the eligibility of the obtained results, motivating it on the basis of the acquired knowledge by means of a systematic and scientific approach

the knowledge of the constant technological innovations and will be able to develop innovative solutions that meet the requirements based both on the knowledge gained through the lessons and experience in the laboratory. Finally, the module will train the student by taking part in the open and debated issues within the scientific community and by identifying possible future developments.

• General introduction (1h)

• Internet of Things paradigm (4h) (Objectives 1,3)

• Application scenarios (3h) (Objectives 3, 4)

• Technologies: (Objectives 3, 4): WSN and WMSN (10h) - Security and privacy, RFID (4h), NFC (2h), Nanotechnologies (2h), Information Centric Networks paradigm (2h)

• Communication protocols and standards: (10h) (Objectives 3, 4): MQTT, COAP, RPL, 6LowPAN, LoRaWAN, NB-IoT, ZigBee, Ad hoc networks and AODV protocol, Mobile IP

• Analysis of IoT system platforms (AWS IoT, Watson IoT, ThingSpeak, NOS, etc.) (4h) (Objectives 1, 2, 3)

• Security and privacy in IoT systems: (6h) (Objectives 3, 4): Integrity and confidentiality, Authentication, Access Control, Policy Enforcement, Risk Assessment


Frontal lectures in presence of the professor, with the help of slides provided in electronic format, available on the e-learning platform, for a total of 48 hours.

Students’ reception will take part before and after the lessons, tutoring via e-mail, or at the department fixing an appointment by e-mail: