Degree course: 
Corso di Second cycle degree in ECONOMICS, FINANCE AND BUSINESS LAW
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (40 hours), Exercise (10 hours)

Basic knowledge of public law

Final Examination: 

The exam will focus on the topics addressed in the reference texts and in the documents published on the e-learning page, with particular attention to the topics discussed during the lessons.

In particular, it will take place in an oral interview of about 20 minutes. The evaluations will be expressed in thirtieth.
The answer to the questions asked orally will be assessed in relation to the mastery of the legal language and the ability to understand the justifying reason for the rules and the function of legal institutions.

No intermediate tests are planned.

Voto Finale

The course focuses on the study of organization and administrative action, in relation to the effects produced by the digital transformation in progress.
The aim is to provide the student with the necessary tools to understand the fundamental institutions of administrative law redefined as a result of an irreversible process of digitization of structures and activities.
The course focuses on the formation of a not merely notional but critical understanding of phenomena, also in the face of the profound transformations that digital is producing globally on the individual and society.

At the end of the Teaching, the student will be able to:
- Understanding the practical functioning of the Italian administrative system
- Monitoring the current digital transformation with full awareness
- Exercising the rights of digital citizenship
- Strengthen legal language.

I. Administrative law: fundamental principles and categories
II. The pillars of digital transformation
III. Governance of administrative digitisation
IV. Digital citizenship
V. Digitisation of the administrative procedure
VI. The digital administrative document
VII. Artificial intelligence in administrative decision-making
VIII. Pathology in the digital administrative act

Each topic will be treated for about 5 hours

I. Administrative law: fundamental principles and categories
II. The pillars of digital transformation
III. Governance of administrative digitisation
IV. Digital citizenship
V. Digitisation of the administrative procedure
VI. The digital administrative document
VII. Artificial intelligence in administrative decision-making
VIII. Pathology in the digital administrative act


Forty hours of lectures.

The lessons are accompanied by exercises on specific topics, aimed at consolidating the preparation of students in relation to the most qualifying institutes of digital administration law.

Prof. Falletta receives on Monday from 18 to 19