Degree course: 
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Standard lectures hours: 

In order to profitably attend classes and pass the final examination,
students should already have a knowledge of the Russian language at the
B1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (2001).

The course will be delivered through lectures using Power-Point presentations, which will then be uploaded to the course folder on the
ELearning platform.
It will be complemented by interactive language laboratories held by
linguistic experts, aimed at consolidating and expanding communication
skills in the four skills. The subject of the laboratory lessons are: reading,
writing and listening exercises; grammar exercises; expansion of the
lexicon; practice in oral production (dialogical and monological).
Attendance of laboratories is mandatory and is part of the overall course
commitment. Students will have to do some autonomous studying
through homework, which will be checked in class. During the language
laboratories, the sharing of acquired skills has the purpose of training for
mutual collaboration and comparison. There are tests to check the skills
acquired in itinere.
Students will also have access to a wide range of resources for deepening
and strengthening material learned in the self-access language laboratory.

Voto Finale

The aim of this course is to bring students who already possess intermediate morphosyntactic language skills in Russian to a level of competence comparable to B2 (Постпороговый Уровень - Vantage Level).

The course aims to increase knowledge and understanding of different
aspects of the Russian language, with particular focus on the lexicon and
the morphosynthax, further strengthening communicative skills.
• syntax of simple and complex sentences; in-depth analysis of specific
grammatical issues: time complements; pronouns (negative, indefinite);
verbs (gerunds, participles); verbal aspects; prefixation.
• vocabulary and cultural knowledge (страноведение, культурология).

PARTICIPLES – Причастия; GERUNDS-Деепричастия; NEGATIVE PRONOUNS - Отрицательные местоимения и наречия; RELATIVE SENTENCES - Придаточные предложения
определительные / Causation - Обстоятельствo причины;. CAUSATIVE SENTENCES - Придаточные предложения причины; MODAL SENTENCES - Придаточные предложения образа действия; CONCESSIVE SENTENCES - Придаточные предложения
уступительные; TIME SENTENCES - Придаточные предложения времени; FINAL SENTENCES - Придаточные предложения цели; INDEFINITE SENTENCES - Неопределенные местоимения и наречия; LOCATIVE SENTENCES -Придаточные предложения места;
CONDITIONAL SENTENCES - Условные придаточные предложения


The course will be delivered through lectures using Power-Point
presentations, which will then be uploaded to the course folder on the
ELearning platform.
It will be complemented by interactive language laboratories held by
linguistic experts, aimed at consolidating and expanding communication
skills in the four skills. The subject of the laboratory lessons are: reading,
writing and listening exercises; grammar exercises; expansion of the
lexicon; practice in oral production (dialogical and monological).
Attendance of laboratories is mandatory and is part of the overall course
commitment. Students will have to do some autonomous studying
through homework, which will be checked in class. During the language
laboratories, the sharing of acquired skills has the purpose of training for
mutual collaboration and comparison. There are tests to check the skills
acquired in itinere.
Students will also have access to a wide range of resources for deepening
and strengthening material learned in the self-access language laboratory.

The programme is divided into two modules.
Continuous attendance is strongly recommended. Non-attending students
should contact the course tutor at the beginning of the academic year in
order to agree a supplementary programme.
