In order to access the Spanish Language 2 exam it is necessary to have taken and passed the Spanish Language 1 exam in all its parts.
The final exam includes an assessment (written and oral) of the skills acquired and an interview with the teacher responsible for the course.
Written test: the student must pass the following parts (with an average of more than 60% for each of them):
o cloze test (inserting grammatical or lexical elements into the blanks of a text)
o written expression or composition (writing a short text without the aid of the dictionary)
o Auditory comprehension (answering questions on an auditory text)
o textual comprehension (answering questions on one or more texts)
o translation (with the possibility of bringing synonymous, monolingual and bilingual dictionaries into the classroom)
Students who have passed the written test will be admitted to the oral exam (the validity of the written test is one calendar year).
Students with a DELE B2 certificate or higher can replace the first four written exam tests with the marks obtained in the certification, suitably converted into thirtieths and go directly to the translation test, which will average with the previously calculated grade. Access to the oral test, in this case, is subject to passing the translation test.
Oral exam: interview with the teacher on topics related to reading proposals.
Further data and information relating to the course (lesson time, office hours, etc.) can be provided through the e-learning platform, which can be consulted on the university website.
The course has the general objective of consolidating and deepening the skills acquired during the first year, up to a B2 level of the MERC or QREL for students who have chosen Spanish as their first or second language. There will also be a moment of metalinguistic reflection around the morphology and lexicon of the Spanish language.
As for the specific objectives, in accordance with the guidelines of the QREL, the student – at the same time social agent, intercultural mediator and as an autonomous student – at the end of the course should be able to:
- as a social agent: to know the elements that make up the language system and to be able to extricate oneself from the usual communicative situations in social interaction;
- as an intercultural speaker: identify relevant aspects of the cultures to which he will be able to access through the Spanish language and with which, as a mediator, he must be able to establish bridges (not only linguistic);
- as an independent student: acquire the methodological and critical tools necessary to independently develop their knowledge and skills of the Spanish language.
As part of the course there are exercises during which students will have the opportunity to consolidate the concepts learned during the official course and practice the linguistic skills of written and oral.
The grammatical, pragmatic, functional, notional, textual, cultural, sociological, prosodic (and pronunciation), spelling and discursive objectives are those described in the QREL for level B2. In the texts recommended in the bibliography, the student will find the necessary contents to acquire the required level of competence.
contents: Students who have selected Spanish as their first, second or third language of study will address the following topics:
1º Semester:
1. Fonética, fonología y ortografía del español: repaso de los sonidos de la lengua española, de su escritura y de las reglas de acentuación.
2. Repaso del contraste ser – estar.
3. Repaso del contraste para – por.
4. Partes del discurso:
a. los pronombres personales; combinatoria de pronombres de complemento directo y de complemento indirecto; la impersonalidad; laísmo, leísmo y loísmo;
b. el verbo: repaso de la morfología y del uso de todos los tiempos del modo indicativo; repaso de la morfología y uso del condicional simple y compuesto; repaso de la morfología del modo subjuntivo presente; pretérito perfecto; pretérito imperfecto y pretérito pluscuamperfecto;
c. Los cuantificadores.
5. Parataxis e hipotaxis: oraciones subordinadas sustantivas (uso del indicativo y del subjuntivo):
a. Estructuras adversativas.
b. Estructuras concesivas.
c. Estructuras condicionales.
d. Sintaxis de las oraciones subordinadas
6. Marcadores y conectores del discurso (nivel B1).
2º semestre:
7. Oraciones subordinadas adjetivas.
8. Oraciones subordinadas adverbiales (temporales, finales, causales, concesivas, consecutivas, condicionales, de relativo): uso del indicativo y del subjuntivo.
9. El estilo directo e indirecto.
10. Las perífrasis de infinitivo, gerundio y participio: repaso y uso avanzado;
11. Los verbos de cambio.
12. Marcadores y conectores del discurso (nivel B1 y B2).
13. Uso de ser y estar con los adjetivos que cambian de significado.
Sociocultural, discursive and pragmatic lexical contents: lexical, cultural, discursive contents, pragmatic strategies, socio-cultural skills, translations, etc., are those that correspond to level B2 in QREL, both for students who have Spanish as their first or second language, and for those who have chosen it as their third (see Plan Curricular of the Cervantes Institute, Biblioteca Nueva, Madrid, 2007):
Metalinguistic contents: the metalinguistic reflection will focus on lexicon and phraseology and, during the year, the following topics will be addressed:
1. Introducción a la lexicología de la lengua española.
2. Introducción a la morfología de la lengua española.
3. Los mecanismos formales de creación léxica: la derivación y la composición.
4. Los mecanismos semánticos de creación léxica: el cambio de significado (homonimia, sinonimia y polisemia).
5. Fundamentos de fraseología.
The course includes lectures in the classroom, practical exercises and the use of computer material through the e-learning platform. The lesson schedule includes 30 semester hours of monographic course carried out by the teacher and as many hours of exercises on the course carried out by the exercisers. Spanish language exercises are a fundamental part of the course, so attendance is highly recommended. Attending students will have access, during the year, to mock written and oral exams, based on the indications they will receive from the instructors and the reference teacher.
In the e-learning platform, different types of teaching material will be made available to students: summaries of the topics covered in class, power-point presentations, exercises, translations, etc.