Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in COMPUTER SCIENCE
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Seat of the course: 
Como - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 

There are no pre-conditions to overcome the exam of Networking, in fact, no specific IT/mathematical knowledge is required other than those provided by any high school.

Voto Finale

The module aims to provide the necessary knowledge and skills to project and verify the functionality of a telecommunication network. In the course, the topics are selected on the basis of two criteria: a topic that represents a fundamental knowledge at the basis of each telecommunication network and/or a topic characterized by many real applications. The goals are to:
1. provide an in-depth knowledge of the telecommunications network, developing the ability to identify a problem and solve it with a professional approach.
2. include the acquisition of transversal skills, such as language skills, written communication skills, and judgment autonomy. In fact, the module will try to motivate the student's critical attitude in evaluating the possible solutions.
3. be able to make, on the basis of the acquired knowledge, a judgment on the eligibility of the obtained results, motivating them by means of a systematic and scientific approach. The student will also acquire the ability to understand, develop and identify the network architecture and the communication protocols that are the most suitable to meet the requirements.
4. know the international technical language, adopted by the industry, make the student part of the open and debated issues within the scientific community as well as possible future developments.

The acquisition of the different knowledge and skills will develop in parallel throughout the course, which will address the following topics:
• General introduction to telecommunication networks. (1h)
• ISO / OSI layered model for network protocols. (6h) (objectives 1, 2)
• TCP/IP stack. (4h) (objectives 1, 2)
• General architecture of LAN networks and IEEE 802 standard. Spanning Tree protocol. Main devices (bridge, router, switch). (6h) (objectives 1, 2)
• Wireless networks and IEEE 802.11 and IEEE 802.15 standards. (5h) (objectives 2, 3)
• Overview on wireless networks’ security: IEEE802.11i. (4h) (objectives 2,4)
• Mobile networks: Clustering; Roaming; Handover; GPRS and UMTS. (10h) (objectives 2, 3)
• Wireless Sensor Networks: features and design requirements. Application scenarios. Routing protocols: Data Centric (Flooding, Gossiping, SPIN, SPIN 2, Direct sequence) Hierarchical-Cluster based (LEACH). Kinds of query. (8h) (objectives 2, 4)
• Network level and virtual circuit services and datagram. IP protocol and addressing. NAT and ARQ. (6h) (objectives 1, 2)
• Routing and routing protocols. RIP, OSPF, BGP. (5h) (objectives 1, 2)
• Transport level and TCP and UDP protocols. Congestion and flow control. (5h) (objectives 1, 2)
• Application level and protocols HTTP, POP3, SMTP, RTP, DHCP, DNS (4h) (objectives 1, 2)
• Exercises. (12h) (objectives 2, 3, 4)


Parent course