Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Professional education
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Seat of the course: 
Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 


Final Examination: 

The student must pass a written test of 31 questions to be solved in 35 minutes. The questions will be related to the course content; and will be structured in: acquisition and understanding of knowledge (45%) and application of acquired knowledge (35%), independent judgment (10%) and learning skills (10%).

Voto Finale

To know the structural organization of the human body, with its main anatomical-clinical applications, from the macroscopic to the microscopic level up to the main ultrastructural and functional aspects. Recognize the essential morphological characteristics of the systems, systems, organs, tissues, cells and subcellular structures of the human organism at the basis of vital functions.

Historical background and role in medical studies
Structure of the somatic cell. Supracellular organization in tissues: epithelial, connective, muscular, nervous tissue, blood and lymph (hints of immunity)
Cell differentiation. Gametes Fertilization Notes on embryology and organogenesis
Body diagram and superficial delimitation of the parts of the body; anatomical position; fundamental lines and planes of body reference; anatomical nomenclature.
Morphological and structural basis of vital functions
Circulatory system The heart. Organization of the vascular network Functional circles (digestive, respiratory, urinary apparatus). Control systems (endocrine system).
Neuroanatomy macroscopic organization of the central nervous system, somatic and visceral peripheral nervous system Sense organs

The arguments include:
- Concepts of etiology, pathogenesis, morphological changes and functional alterations
- causes of cell damage and cellular adaptation, growth and differentiation; hypertrophy; hyperplasia; metaplasia; atrophy, necrosis and apoptosis
- Immunity and the immune system, the inflammatory response, innate and acquired immunity, vaccines, active and passive immunity
- Cancer: Cell cycle control, nomenclature and classes of cancers, benign and malignant tumors, physical, chemical and viral carcinogenesis, genetics and cancer, oncogenes and oncosuppressors, definition and epidemiological evidence for multi-stage carcinogenesis, metastasis.
- Concepts of clinical pathology

In the Physiology module the student will learn the basic principles of cell
physiology and the basic functionality of systems (nervous, muscular,
cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive and renal systems).

Anatomia umana
K. Saladin, E. Gaudio: Anatomia e Fisiologia Ed Piccin;
Martini/Bartholomew : Elementi di Anatomia, ecc, EdiSES;
K.T. Patton-G.A. Thibodeau: Anatomia e fisiologia VII Ed Elsevier;
G.J. Tortora, B Derrickson: Principi di Anatomia e fisiologia

Patologia generale:
Pontieri “Patologia Generale & Fisiopatologia generale. Per i corsi di Laurea in Professioni Sanitarie” (Piccin)
Parola “Patologia Generale” (EdiSES)
Pontieri, Russo, Frati “Patologia Generale” (Piccin)
Robbins “Le Basi Patologiche delle Malattie”, (Piccin)
Del Gobbo, “Immunologia e Immunopatologia” (Piccin)
Abbas, Lichtman, Pober, “Immunologia Cellulare e Molecolare” (Elsevier)

AA.VV ELEMENTI di Fisiologia Umana, ed. Edi Ermes
AA.VV. Compendio di Fisiologia Umana, ed. Piccin
AA.VV. Fisiologia dell'Uomo, ed. Edi Ermes
Levy, Koeppen, Stanton. Principi di Fisiologia di Berne&Levy, ed. Edra

The course objectives will be achieved through class lectures. Attendance of the lessons is mandatory.


  • Credits: 3
    Place of teaching: Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
  • Credits: 1
    Place of teaching: Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
  • Credits: 2
    Place of teaching: Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria