Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Imaging and Radiotherapy techniques
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Various educational activities
Seat of the course: 
Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Apprenticeship (650 hours)

no access prerequisite

Final Examination: 

students' learning will be verified through classroom comparison

Giudizio Finale

The course "Decision-making processes" (A) intends to provide adequate cognitive tools aimed at making decisions with particular reference to the health sector.
The course "Role of subjects in the health context" (B) aims to provide the student with basic knowledge aimed at reducing errors and increasing organizational resilience in the health sector.

(A) The student should be able to understand the anatomy, physiology and pathology of decision making. They must be able to recognize biases and heuristics related to the decision-making processes of individuals and groups and use correct communication aimed at managing emotions.
(B) At the end of the lessons the student will have learned useful tools to identify conflicting situations and dynamics and understand the impact that individual or group decisions have within organized systems, with particular reference to the healthcare context.

(A) The course will address the decision-making theme starting from the normative theory of decisions (how we should decide) up to the descriptive theory of decisions (how we decide); from the perfectly rational subject of Von Neumann and Morgenstern to the individual with limited rationality of Simon. The characteristics of the rational decision will be illustrated and, on the other hand, the limits of the satisfactory choice. A large part of the course is dedicated to descriptive decision theory with particular reference to heuristics and cognitive biases. The role of emotions in the decision-making process, determined choice, marked choice (somatic marker hypothesis), free will will be addressed below. The issues will be addressed with a multidisciplinary approach ranging from philosophy of mind, to neuroscience, neurobiology to artificial intelligence.

(B)The course is divided into three macro-areas: the first is aimed at studying the evolution of organizations with particular reference to the role that individuals occupy within them. Key concepts such as power, legitimacy, leadership and organizational culture will be explored.
The second area deals with conflict: starting from theories and classifications, we proceed with the study of individual and collective needs and the impact that their satisfaction or not can have on the person understood as an individual but also in a group, as a health professional also as a user, generating dynamics capable of moving away from the goals that organizations set themselves.
The third area foresees the contextualization in the health sector of experiences, cases and review of scientific literature relating to the above topics.
Conflict management techniques and methods will also be shared.


teaching is proposed through lectures conducted with the aid of support materials (slides, handouts, scientific articles) made available to students, who will be asked to actively participate in the proposed discussions.