Diritto canonico/Diritto comparato delle religioni

Degree course: 
Corso di Long single cycle degree (5 years) in Law - Como
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Basic compulsory subjects
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (50 hours)

The course requires a good knowledge of constitutional law (system of sources in particular), the history of law and the philosophy of law. Particularly suitable for those who are interested in the social repercussions, also in historical, philosophical and sociological terms of legal systems and their relationships. In any case, due to the specific nature of the course itself, all the notions essential for its effective attendance will be provided. The course is particularly recommended for students of Ecclesiastical Law and Human Rights as optional exam with reduced program if they have already passed the class of Ecclesiastical law.

Final Examination: 

Oral test

Voto Finale

The course aims to provide future legal practitioners with a thorough knowledge, on the one hand, of the legal order of the Catholic Church (canon law); on the other, of the other main religious legal systems. The aim is, on the one hand, to know the development of the law of the main European religious juridical tradition, also fundamental for the knowledge of secular law; on the other hand, to understand the role of religious rights within the legal pluralism typical of contemporary globalized societies.
This objective will be achieved both through the knowledge of the main characteristic features of these legal traditions (knowledge and understanding) and through the analysis of the concrete application of some religious juridical institutes within the social dynamics (applying knowledge). This knowledge will allow the acquisition of a reflective ability aimed at the critical analysis of the situations examined (making judgments). Finally, thanks to the oral modality of the final exam, the student will learn both the communication of the main elements of the cases examined (communication) and the need for a personal reworking of the information received (learning skills).
The course joins those of Ecclesiastical law, of Religions and rights and of Human rights, constituting an important element for the training of the contemporary jurist.

In the academic year. 2020-2021 the course will address, inter alia, the following topics:
- The origins of canon law and the stages towards the first codification;
- The characteristics of the medieval canon law;
- The affirmation of the pontifical primacy and the relationship with episcopal collegiality;
- The characteristics of "modern" canon law: the encounter with secular law;
- The turning point of Vatican Council II and its canonical reception;
- The matrimonial paradigm: canonical marriage before and after the Council and contemporary transformations;
- The general characteristics of religious rights and the sources of Jewish, Muslim and Hindu law;
- Marriage in Jewish, Muslim and Hindu rights.

Special readings in English and Italian

In the academic years 20-21 the course will be online in streaming using the Teams platform. Monographic webinars in English will also be organized with the participation of Italian and foreign speakers.

The teacher receives by appointment (to be asked by e-mail alessandro.ferrari@uninsubria.it) on the Teams Platform
