Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Dental Hygiene
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Seat of the course: 
Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 

Basic knowledge of anatomy, organ physiology, biochemistry and general pathology (topics covered during the first year of study) are useful for understanding the topics covered during the course. There are no constraining prerequisites for this integrated course.

Final Examination: 

The learning assessment consists of an oral test of PHARMACOLOGY and an oral test of GENERAL ANESTHESIOLOGY and MEDICAL SURGICAL EMERGENCIES

To pass the exam, the student must demonstrate adequate theoretical knowledge of the topics covered during the course and be able to properly expose the knowledge acquired. To pass the exam a positive outcome (pass mark: 18 thirtieths) must be obtained for both tests scheduled for each of the two modules. The final evaluation will be the average of the evaluations of the two tests, provided that both are sufficient.

PHARMACOLOGY: oral test. Students will be asked both wide-ranging and more specific questions. The student must demonstrate the ability to properly expose the knowledge acquired regarding the fundamental principles of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics that condition the correct drug dosage, the mechanisms of drug actions and toxicity in healthy individuals and patients and the characteristics of the therapeutic classes addressed in the clas . The answers will be positively evaluated depending on the completeness and synthesis in the presentation of the topics, also using diagrams and graphs.

GENERAL ANESTHESIOLOGY and MEDICAL SURGICAL EMERGENCIES: The student will have to elaborate a written test consisting of 30 multiple choice questions, to be solved in 45 '. Each correct answer is worth one point, while incorrect answers are worth 0 points. At the end of the test, the candidate is invited to view what has been elaborated and the result obtained. The test aims to evaluate the degree of learning of the topics discussed and experienced during the course.

Voto Finale

The integrated course of ANESTHESIOLOGY AND FAMACOLOGY takes place in the first semester of the second year and is inclusive of the teachings of:
 PHARMACOLOGY - credits 2

The educational objectives to which the teaching aims are to offer an integrated and critical view of the principles of pharmacology and anesthesiology in the general and specialist dental fields. The course also aims to provide students with information regarding the tools
necessary to carry out basic resuscitation maneuvers and to deal with
emergency clinical situations.
The course also has the task of providing a vocabulary and a scientific lexicon in pharmacology, anesthesiology and emergency-urgency medicine.

At the end of the course the student will be able to:
- describe the general principles concerning the interaction between the human body and drugs in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases and the risk factors related to their use.
- know the fundamental criteria for the management, storage and use of drugs in hospital.
- describe the pharmacological and toxicological characteristics of the main therapeutic groups of drugs used in the dental field.
- to know and correctly perform some first aid procedures to ensure the support of vital functions and their restoration in intra- and extra-hospital emergencies;
- to know the resuscitation problems and therapeutic strategies for the treatment of anaphylactic shock;
-knowing the constituent elements of the various anesthetic techniques necessary for the correct execution of the surgical procedure and the protection of the patient from surgical trauma
