Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Dental Hygiene
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Seat of the course: 
Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 

Knowledges of Anatomy, Biology, Basic Chemistry and Biochemistry are required

The student must pass both a written test of 31 questions to be solved in 35 minutes. The questions will be related to the course content; and will be structured on: knowledge acquisition and understanding (45%) and application of the knowledge acquired (35%), judgment autonomy (10%), and learning ability (10%).

Voto Finale

The course of Human Physiology provides the Students with all information needed to understand, from the biophysical and quantitative standpoint, the mechanisms of functioning of body organs and systems and their control performed by the central and autonomic nervous system and by the endocrine system.

The General Pathology course provides the students with the fundamentals of modern cellular and molecular pathology. The course deals with the investigation of those pathological mechanisms common to all tissue-cell pathology; Etiology, Pathogenesis, Morphologic changes, Functional derangements and clinical significance. Attention is paid to the processes of cellular adaptation, cell death, cellular accumulation, tissue repair, inflammation, immunology and immunopathology, and neoplasia. This course takes the basic science that the student has learned in previous courses to clinical concepts.

- extrinsic causes, examples and mechanisms of action of physical and chemical agents as well as poisons and nutritional factors
- Intrinsic causes, inheritance and examples of genetic diseases.
Pathogenesis, morphological changes and functional alterations cellular alteration concepts
- causes of cell damage
- cellular adaptation, growth and differentiation; atrophy hypotrophy/hypoplasia; hypertrophy; hyperplasia; metaplasia
- Cell death: necrosis and apoptosis
- Healing and repair of injuries
- Immunity and the immune system
- The inflammatory response: acute inflammation, chronic inflammation, inflammation associated pathologies, the innate immune response, cellular and chemical defense barriers
- Acquired immunity: lymphoid organs, cellular and chemical mediators, the humoral response and immunoglobulin classes, cell mediated responses, specificity, diversity and memory in the immune response, the major histocompatability complex, Vaccines, active and passive immunity, acquired and congenital immuno-deficiencies.
- Hypersensitivities, general concepts of organ specific and systemic autoimmune diseases, transplant rejection
- Cancer: Cell cycle control, nomenclature and classes of cancers, benign and malignant tumors, physical, chemical and viral carcinogenesis, genetics and cancer, oncogenes and oncosuppressors, definition and epidemiological evidence for multi-stage carcinogenesis, metastasis.
- General concepts of physiopathology of the cardiovascular system and the oral cavity
- General concepts of Clinical Pathology

- AA.VV. – FISIOLOGIA DELL'UOMO - a cura di P.E Di Prampero e A. Veicsteinas - Casa Editrice Edi-Ermes, Milano
- AA.VV. – FISIOLOGIA – a cura di P.Scotto, P. Mondola - Poletto Editore, Milano

“G.M. PONTIERI: Elementi di PATOLOGIA GENERALE per i Corsi di Laurea in Professioni Sanitarie. Piccin


The course objectives will be achieved through frontal lessons for a total of 36 hours, on e-learning: PPT presentations, videos. The attendance of the lessons is obligatory.

The professor will receive students in his office (Via Monte Generoso 71, “Ex Cascina”) after making an appointment by e-mail.