□ Planes and axes of movement
□ Static posture motion schemes
□ Dynamic motion schemes
□ Conditional skills: strength, resistance and speed. Improvement and maintenance related to the different phases of life
□ Motion learning
□ Control techniques
□ Curriculum planning
□ Practice field tests
□ Evaluation
□ The teacher’s end the coach role
“Lineamenti di teoria e metodologia del movimento umano”
Francesco Casolo – V&P università
The professor will provide the students with the slides presented during the lessons on the e-learning platform
The topics will be presented by frontal lectures with visual support (slides, model examples, documents, etc..) and laboratory activities with practical exercises.
Students will be required to study autonomously and regularly the reference book and to participate actively in the proposed discussions.
As for the practical exercises, a workshop will be organized. Students, in pairs, will project and present a teaching proposal of movement.
In case of DAD, instead of laboratory activities, sessions for small groups of students will be organized on platform Teams in order to suggest and develop working proposals to be realized in different contexts (educational, sporting, adapted, etc..)
The professor receives by appointment before lessons at PalaCus in via Montegeneroso or on platform Teams during the whole Covid-19 emergency.
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