Degree course: 
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (48 hours)

Students should have basic knowledge of general and inorganic chemistry, and organic chemistry in order to understand the chemical processes taking place in the various environmental compartments, acquire the skills necessary to understand the intervention logics in the environmental field, and the functioning of the main strategies for pollutant control and remediation.

Final Examination: 

The evaluation of knowledge includes a written test to be completed in 3 hours, with 10 open questions.

The evaluation of the exam will take place in in thirty-tenths. The exam is passed when the evaluation 18/30 is reached. The evaluation will consider the overall performance of the test and in particular the following criteria:
• Relevance and correctness of the answers.
• Ability to present, argue and synthesize the different topics and address them using an appropriate language
• Ability to recognize and find solutions for environmentally relevant issues addressed in the course.
The study based on the slides proposed in the lesson must necessarily be accompanied by the consultation of the reference texts.

Voto Finale

The main objective of the course is to provide a solid preparation for understanding the main chemical processes taking place in the environment and the phenomena resulting from man-made alteration of bio-geo-chemical processes.
At the end of the course, the student must be able to:
• Know and understand the main characteristics of the environmental media
• Know and understand the main aspects of chemical contamination in different environmental media and the main organic and inorganic pollutants
• Know and understand the appropriate remediation strategies for specific environmental issues
• Demonstrate autonomy of judgment in the assessment of issues related to chemical pollution using a multidisciplinary approach

The course is divided into blocks dedicated to the chemistry of water, soil, air and to the study of the main classes of environmental contaminants. These blocks have equivalent weight (approximately 10 hours dedicated to each block), preceded and interspersed with shorted topics.

Introduction to environmental chemistry: main issues in chemical pollution. Dynamic interactions of the various environmental compartments: water-soil-air-biota.
The REACH regulation. Basic concepts of Green Chemistry.
The water compartment: chemical-physical properties of aqueous systems. Parameters for the classification of water for environmental quality. Chemical processes in aquatic systems. Potabilization. Post-treatment of waste waters.
The soil compartment: chemical-physical characteristics of the geosphere. The soil and its constituents. Sediments. Parameters for the adsorption of chemical compounds. Fertilizers and nutrients.
The air compartment: structure and composition of the atmosphere. Oxidations of organic compounds mediated by oxygen, hydroxyl and nitrate radicals, ozone. Inorganic gaseous pollutants: carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides. Greenhouse effect and acid rains. Stratospheric ozone depletion (CFC and substitutes). Photochemical smog. Atmospheric particulate (PM).
Main organic and inorganic pollutants: Natural and anthropogenic organic pollutants: aromatic and not-aromatic hydrocarbons, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dioxins, pesticides, metals. Emerging pollutants.
Biodegradation: main biotransformations by microorganisms and their role in decontamination.

In silico alternatives to Animal tests: Introduction to alternative methods to animal testing, 3 R strategy, QSAR methodologies with examples of application for prediction of properties and activities of organic environmental pollutants.

C. Baird M. Cann “Chimica Ambientale” Zanichelli, 2013 (Mandatory)

Other books:
• B. Rindone “Introduzione alla Chimica Ambientale” Città Studi Edizioni, 1996
• S. E.Manahan “Chimica dell’Ambiente” Ed. It. Piccin, 2000
• C.J. Leeuwen, T.G. Vermeire “Risk Assessment of Chemicals: An Introduction” Springer, 2007

Powerpoint slides and additional material will be made available on the e-learning web-page of the course.


The course is organized in 48 hours of frontal lectures in Varese. Attendance at the lectures is optional, but recommended, and the final exam will be the same for attending and non-attending students.

Office Hours: The teacher is available by appointment arranged by e-mail or telephone (Varese, Via Dunant, 3, Red Floor).
