Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Movement science
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (24 hours)

Human Physiology

written test with 30 multiple choice quizzes

Voto Finale

Acquire theoretical and practical knowledge of exercise physiology

Exercise Physiology: Exercise-induced adaptations in the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, musculoskeletal, metabolic and neiromuscular systems and related practical applications in sport

Definition of sport and exercise physiology
• Muscle energetics and exercise physiology
• Importance of physical exercise for the immune system
• Hypertrophy, muscle hyperplasia, overcompensation and adaptation
• Definition of endurance, performance, sprint and strenght training, related adaptations induced on the organism
• Strength training: isotonic, isometric, plyometric, isokinetic muscle work
• Cardio-circulatory adaptations induced by physical exercise
• Cardio-circulatory adaptations induced by physical exercise: benefits on cardiovascular function and blood pressure control
• The trained elderly
• Cardio-circulatory adaptations induced by physical exercise in extraordinary environments: high altitude and apnea
• Cardiocirculatory adaptations induced by physical exercise: cardiac cycle, reference to the calculation of flows, definition of blood pressure and method of measurement (if lessons in the presence oranise theoretical-practical exercise)
• Sports Therapy: obesity and prescription of physical exercise, adaptations induced by physical exercise with adequate load
• Sports Therapy: diabetes mellitus and prescription of physical exercise, adaptations induced by physical exercise with adequate load
• Sports Therapy: arterial hypertension and prescription of physical exercise, adaptations induced by physical exercise with adequate load
• Importance of physical activity in developmental age
• Respiratory system and exercise physiology, exercise asthma, hints of the respiratory system and extraordinary environments
• Walking in Sport Therapy: physiological walking (hints)
• Digestion, absorption of nutrients in movement
• Anthropometric evaluations

Veicsteinas "Physiology of man" Ediermes
- William McArdle "Physiology applied to Sport" Ambrosiana Publishing House
-Giuseppe D'Antona "Physical activity, physiology, adaptations to exercise, prevention, sports therapy and nutrition" Poletto Editore
- William McArdle "Physiology of exercise The essential", Piccin Editore

online synchronous lessons

I am available for any interviews by making an appointment by e-mail to



Parent course