- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Bibliography
- Delivery method
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
Requirements: basic knowledge of Biochemistry, Structural biochemistry, Pharmacology, Enzymology, and Organic Chemistry.
The examination is designed to assess the skills acquired by the student concerning the topics of the course
The exam is organized in two parts: it consists in an written evaluation related to the theory and in a written report concerning computational trials. Marks are expressed on a scale of 30: the examination is successful if a score 18/30 is gained in each part.
Course description
Design of biopharmaceuticals is a course in which concepts of chemistry, organic chemistry and biochemistry acquired during the previous courses are employed to understand the mechanism of action and the strategies for the design of new generation of biotechnological drugs.
The course is aimed at the description of the bases of drug action (both small- and macro-molecules) and of the physiological/pathological functions of their targets, as well as at the description of new classes of drugs (for example, antibodies and therapeutic proteins). The course aims to provide the basis for a comprehensive understanding of the strategies of rational drug design.
Learning outcomes
• Cognitive skills
- acquisition of the fundamental elements that affect the bioavailability and function (in general) of drugs
- obtaining of the information necessary for the understanding of the molecular basis of drug action at their targets
- knowledge of the main strategies of drug design (also from a computational point of view).
• Learning abilities
- ability to read, understand and criticize a scientific text concerning the course topics (in English)
- ability to use these knowledge to evaluate the aims and/or the results of a research project both on the qualitative and quantitative point of view.
• Practical and subject specific skills
- ability to identify the main factors critical for the efficacy of a drug
- ability to assume the strategies and approaches (also computational) for drugs design
- ability to propose an analytical problem-solving approach.
• Communication skills
- ability to identify and express relevant information
- demonstrate effective communication skills by practicing, reading, writing and speaking clearly
- demonstrate the ability to resume and present the scientific information (also as a written report)
Lectures (5 CFU, 40 hours class):
Action and Design of Biopharmaceutics 4.0 CFU (32 hours):
- Introduction to pharmacology and drug design
- The structure of proteins
- Structure/function relationships in proteins with are target of drugs
- Design of novel drugs
- Molecular medicine, virus and viral drugs
- Therapeutical Proteins
- Modification of therapeutical proteins (PEGylation)
- Biosimilars
- Seminars of case histories
Bioinformatic tools for the design of a pharmaceutical drugs – 1 CFU (8 hours)
- Molecular modelling in structure-based drug design
Tutorial: Simulation of the design of a pharmaceutical drug – 1 CFU (12 hours)
- Visualization of macromolecule
- Molecular docking
Slides of lessons: from the Elearning website
Lecture notes and scientific papers: from the Elearning website
Open source/freeware softwares
Lectures: 40 hours
The course consists of 40 hours of frontal lessons (5 CFUs). Lessons are supported by PPT slide projection.
Tutorial: 12 hours (1 CFU). Individual practical exercitation using a computer.
Students can meet with the professor in his/her study by previous phone or email appointment.