Degree course: 
Corso di Long single cycle degree (5 years) in Law - Varese
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Optional subjects
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (35 hours)

A proper knowledge of International and EU law.

The methods of assessment consists of an oral examination, with attribution of the final mark on a scale from 0 to 30, concerning the entire program. The grade takes into account the accuracy and quality of responses (50%), the proper use of technical legal terminology (25%) and the ability to justify, arguing persuasively, statements and opinions (25%).

Voto Finale

The students must demonstrate that they have become aware of the basic principles of internaltion commercial law, including the procedure for the formation of international norms, the manner of their application, the consequences of their breaches and the mechanisms for the settlement of international disputes. Even through the study of court precedents, the students must demonstrate that they have acquired the ability to criticially analyze issues and to present logical arguments.

The course will have as object of the analysis of the legal discipline of international commercial transactions. The course will give particular attention to the various methods of governing international trade and related sources, including commercial practices and usages, self-regulation codes, internal, international and European rules, uniform material discipline and international private and procedural law. The course will therefore analyze the sources of state, interstate and astatual origin, their coordination, the actors of international trade and their interactions, international contracts and the rules that govern the identification of their discipline (substantial or through conflict rules). Furthermore, the methods for resolving transnational commercial disputes will be explored, both when they are held before internal judges (with particular regard to the relevant European discipline) and when such disputes, as frequently happens, are resolved through international arbitration.

F. Marrella, Manuale di diritto del commercio internazionale, Cedam, 2017, chapters 2 sez. IV, 3 sez. I, II e IV, 4, 15, 17 e 18.


The course takes place in the first and in the second semester through 35 hours of lectures total (appropriate for the 6 credits granted for this exam).
Teaching includes lectures and case discussions.

Additional data, information and material related to the course will be provided through the University website and the e-learning platform, available on the same site.

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click on the activity card to see more information, such as the teacher and descriptive texts.