The knowledge gained in previous years'' teaching, with particular reference to the anatomy and physiology of the central and peripheral nervous system, are required.
Clinical approach to children and adolescents with neurological and psychiatric disorders. Knowledge of the main neurological and psychiatric disorders of childhood and adolescence.
Neuro-psychiatric development
Neurodevelopmental disorders
Intellectual disability
Autistic spectrum disorders
Communication disorders
Specific learning disorder
Motor disorders (DCD, tic and Tourette syndrome)
Cerebral Palsy
Neuromuscular disorders
Anxiety disorders
Mood disorders
Personality disorders
Psycosis in adolescence
Psychosomatic disorders
Eating disorders
- Argomenti di Neuropsichiatria Infantile di G. Lanzi e U. Balottin Italian University Press
- Cosa diventeranno i nostri bambini di Cramer ed. Cortina
- La diagnosi della dislessia e degli altri disturbi specifici dell''apprendimento di C. Termine e G. Stella - Editore Omega