Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Nursing
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 

Know the main psychiatric pathologies and foundations and methods of psychology.

Verifications of the comprehension of the topics dealt through oral tests are foreseen.

Voto Finale

The course is aimed at deepening specialized studies, but also at acquiring knowledge and methodologies concerning professional practice in the psychiatric field, with the aim of developing the ability to work in teams and in complex organizational contexts.
In the context of the Department of Mental Health, nursing staff is today called upon to manage relief and rehabilitation projects of high technical and relational content, within a multidisciplinary approach of care. Treatment plans aimed at people suffering from mental disorders are structured according to the taking in charge in which biomedical interventions are flanked by a complex and personalized series of other interventions, including the nursing case manager, work with families, home interventions and in the social context of the patient. The nurse-patient relationship has its own specificities that distinguish it from other relationships that the patient establishes with other professional figures and seems to operate as a sort of glue that complements and amplifies the specificity of help coming from the other professional figures.
The role of the nurse in the mental health services team has undergone profound changes in the last few years, and today the nurse has taken on important tasks and responsibilities.
At the end of the module the student must acquire the knowledge related to taking charge of the person and his family in the context of specific priority health problems with particular regard to preventive, rehabilitative and educational aspects also within the community. The student will have to develop the therapeutic relationship as a shared intervention tool in the multidisciplinary field, he will have to identify, plan and evaluate the assistance interventions and collaborate with the other professional figures in the diagnostic-therapeutic pathways. He will have to know the basics related to prevention, treatment and rehabilitation in psychiatry and mental health; be aware of his assistance role in group work in collaboration with other professional figures that make up the "team".

Psychiatry over the centuries: the origins of psychiatric assistance
The fundamental legislative stages in the psychiatric field in the last century
Organization of the Mental Health Department
What is mental health/illness: the role of the nurse in mental health education
The role and responsibilities of the nurse in psychiatry: the multiprofessional team, the therapeutic relationship and the therapeutic project
Aggressiveness in psychiatry: how to deal with it
The subject who is the author of a crime
Urgency / emergency in psychiatry: the assistance management of the crisis
Nursing care in major psychiatric disorders: anxiety disorders, mood disorders, personality disorders, psychotic disorders, substance abuse disorders, eating disorders, aging disorders
Psychopharmacology: nursing responsibility and assistance problems
Urgency in developmental age
The Territorial Psychiatric Triage
The Case Managament methodology
The T.S.O. (mandatory health treatment) and its ethical-deontological implications
The restraint in psychiatry and its ethical-deontological implications

V. Raucci, G. Spaccapeli, "Fondamenti di Infermieristica in salute mentale", Maggioli Editore, Rimini, 2013;
S. Casolaro, E. Vitale, “Infermieristica in psichiatria e salute mentale: principi di base”, Libellula Edizioni 2013

Frontal lessons, interaction with students, videos to support teaching.
