Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Dental Hygiene
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (20 hours)

Basic knowledge of microbiology

Written test; three open questions about as much program topics

Voto Finale

Constructing bases to better understand pathogenic mechanisms of infective diseases

1. Normal oral microbial flora
2. Oral infectious diseases
3. Diagnosis of oral infectious diseases
4. Relationship between oral and systemic diseases
5. Therapy and prevention of oral infectious diseases

1. Normal oral microbial flora General features of the oral environment; the oral microbiota; physical and host parameters affecting oral microbial colonization; host defense; oral microbiota classification; acquisition, adhesion, distribution and metabolism of oral microbiota.
2. Oral infectious diseases Plaque; caries; perodontal diseases; acute bacterial oral infections; chronic bacterial oral infections; fungal oral infections; viral oral infections.
3. Diagnosis of oral infectious diseases Sampling, isolation and identification of oral bacteria; direct observation, cultivation and molecular analysis of oral bacteria
4. Therapy and prevention of oral infectious diseases Microbial resistance; antimicrobial therapy in oral acute infection; antimicrobial prophylaxis; infective endocarditis.

Eudes Lanciotti - Principi di Microbiologia clinica – Casa Ed Ambrosiana, 2007 Philip Marsh, Michael V. Martin – Microbiologia odontoiatrica – Ed. uninova

Frontal lessons; slides available to the student on e learing platform. On the same platform, in-depth tools are provided to the student (scientific articles and material from dedicated websites)

Availability to meet students by appointment
e mail: andreina.baj@uninsubria.it