Mathematics and foundations of computer science and statistics
- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Bibliography
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
There are no prerequisites.
A pre-course on the basic topics is provided before the beginning of the Math Course.
1. WRITTEN EXAMINATION: (to access the written part of the exam it is necessary to have passed the OFA part)
4 exercises:
(1 full function study, 1 exercise on deductible vectors and matrices or graphs or continuity and derivability or limits , 1 exercise on univariate or bivariate statistics or statistical distributions or probabilities, 1 exercise on inferential statistics or statistical distributions or probabilities or statistical tests or integrals or theorem application)
• grade of the written examination <12/30 : no admission to the oral exam
• grade of the written examination from 12/30 to 17/30 : compulsory oral
• grade of the written examination >= 18/30 : optional oral
• correction and discussion of written examination
• resolution of exercises similar to those presented in the course
• definitions, statements of theorems
• examples in the applied sciences presented in class and on the textbook
• knowledge and use of the software Graph (for function graphs) and the spreadsheet (for statistics)
NOTE: Only statistical tables and non-programmable scientific calculator can be used during the exam.
The course objective is to provide the necessary basis for the analytical understanding of basic aspects of scientific phenomena and in particular biological, through the acquisition of the basic methods of mathematical analysis, linear algebra, the theory of probability and statistics.
Knowledge and understanding (Knowledge and know)
At the end of the course students will possess the knowledge necessary for a correct interpretation of the biological experimental data and a correct understanding of the performance of the biological phenomena.
Applying knowledge and understanding (Skills and know how)
At the end of the course students will be able to use the mathematical-statistical instrument to modeling biological phenomena and to understand at the molecular level their thermodynamic, kinetic, electromagnetic aspects etc. and biological processes such as enzymatic catalysis and the transmission of electrochemical signals.
Univariate Descriptive Statistics. Bivariate Descriptive Statistics. Linear regressions. Basics of computer science with use of mathematical applications and spreadsheets. Basic elements of probability theory. Basic elements of linear algebra: vectors and matrices. Limits and continuity. Differential and integral calculus. Discrete and continuous distributions. Elements of inferential statistics and statistical tests.
The recommended text is Bodine, Lenharti, Gross - "Matematica per le scienze della vita" - UTET.
Slides of the lessons and additional material are available in the e-learning platform
Front lessons. There are also 36 hours of classroom training with specific exercises for the preparation of the final assessment
By appointment via email.
Contact details are: