Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in TOURISM MANAGEMENT
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Various educational activities
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (35 hours)

There are no prerequisite courses, nor prerequisite knowledge of the Russian language, required for this course.

Learning will be verified through a final exam aimed at evaluating the four language skills (written / oral understanding and written / oral expression), in accordance with norms developed by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (2001).
It consists of a written test and an oral test. It is compulasory to take the written test prior to the oral.
The written test consists of: morpho-syntactic and lexical test, consisting of a series of exercises of various kinds; Written production test (writing a brief informal letter) and understanding a short text. Understanding will be verified through a series of Russian-language questions related to the given text, to which the student is required to answer in writing. The vocabulary is not allowed. The written test will assess spelling and grammatical correctness, expressive skills and the ability to understand Russian.
The oral examination is subdivided into conversation with the linguistic expert and final oral exam on the theoretical part of the course with the course tutor. In the conversation, students will have to demonstrate the ability to entertain a dialogue on topics studied during the practical sessions. In the final theoretical part they will have to prove that they have acquired a theoretical knowledge of the Russian language, to be able to describe its functioning and peculiarities. Each of the examination sessions will be considered to be passed if its outcome is equal to or greater than 18/30.

Voto Finale

The aim of this course is to bring students who do not have any prior skills in Russian a level of competence comparable to A1 (Уровень Элементарного Общения - Breakthrough Level).

The course, for absolute beginners, aims to develop the skills needed to interact with Russian speakers effectively, albeit at an elementary level, in the most common everyday situations.

Phonetics: reduction of vocals; Hard / soft consonants; Orthographic features. Intonation contours of types 1, 2, 3, 4.

Morphology and syntax: grammatical categories (gender, number, case); Strong and weak declensions (nouns and adjectives, personal, possessive, demonstrative, interrogative, relative pronouns); cardinal and ordinal numbers; meanings and main uses of cases; Verb regency and prepositions of more frequent use; Adverbs; The verb "to be" and the construct used to express possession ("having"); Verbal tenses: present, past, simple and compound future; Consonant alternations, suffix loss / addition; reflexive verbs. Simple, enunciative, interrogative, negative propositions.

Communication skills: asking for and giving informations; Interaction (questions / answers) on topics of everyday life; filling of simple forms; Writing short personal letters; Writing under dictation.

Course materials are available in the relevant folder on the ELearning system
In the practical sessions students will use the following coursebook:

D. Magnati; F. Legittimo Cichachev; S. Iashaiaeva
Milano: Hoepli

Those who are not attending the course and those who wish to deepen individual aspects of the course are advised to read one or more of the following texts:
• F. Fici Giusti, L. Gebert, S. Signorini. 1991. La lingua russa. Storia, struttura, tipologia. Firenze: La Nuova Italia scientifica.
A good introduction to the Russian language.
• P. Cubberley. 2002. Russian: A linguistic Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
A good English presentation of the contemporary Russian language system.
• A. Gančikov. 2004. Grammatica russo facile. Milano: Vallardi.
A text of immediate consultation, simple and inexpensive.
• К.И.Пехливанова, М.Н.Лебедева. 2007. Грамматика русского языка в иллюстрациях. Москва: Русский Язык.
In Russian, but easy to use because all grammatical material is presented through tables and drawings.
• С.А.Хавронина, А.И.Широченская. 2007. Русский язык в упражнениях. Roma: Il Punto Editoriale.
It is an excellent exercise book and covers all the morphology studied in the three years.
• C. Cevese, Ju. Dobrovol’skaja, E. Magnanini. 2000. Grammatica Russa. Morfologia: Teoria e Esercizi. Milano: Hoepli.
It is a very detailed grammar, with in-depth coverage of all the aspects of the Russian morphological system.
•C. Cevese, Ju. Dobrovol’skaja. 2005. Sintassi Russa: Teoria e Esercizi. Milano: Hoepli.
A very detailed presentation of the Russian syntactic system.


The course runs throughout the Academic Year with 110 hours of lessons (60 hours of the theoretical course and 50 hours of practical sessions).

The program is divided into two modules.
Lessons and practical sessions are held in
Via Sant'Abbondio 12, 22100 Como

Continuous attendance is strongly recommended. Non-attending students should contact the course tutor at the beginning of the academic year in order to agree a supplementary program.

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click on the activity card to see more information, such as the teacher and descriptive texts.