Degree course: 
Corso di Second cycle degree in MATHEMATICS
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (64 hours)

Basic knowledge of algebra, geometry, real analysis in several variables, mechanics, electromagnetism

Final Examination: 

Solution of written exercises proposed by the teacher + oral exam

Voto Finale

Acquisition of operational capabilities in the use of geometric instruments in the physical field

1 Multilinear algebra
Tensors. Tensors in physics. The external algebra.
2 Representations of finite groups
General theory. Characters. Irreducible representations.
3 Tensors and symmetric group
Introduction. Schur functors. Examples.
4 Introduction to differential geometry
Differential varieties. Fiber bundles. Differential forms.
5 Lie Groups and Lie algebras
Lie groups. Simple Lie algebras. Representations of simple Lie algebras. Representations of sl(2).
6 Classification of simple Lie algebras
Cartan algebra and weights. Roots and Dynkin diagrams. Real simple algebras.
7 Representations of simple Lie algebras
Weights: integrality and symmetries. The highest weight. Irreducible representations of sl(n). The case n=3.
8 Orthogonal Groups
Bilinear and quadratic forms. Orthogonal groups. Quaternions. The group SO(2m). The group SO(2m+1).
9 Spin representations
Clifford algebras. The spin group. Spin representations of so(n).
10 Geometric structures
Fiber bundles. Geometry and Lie groups. Connections. Covariant derivatives. Curvature. Riemannian structure.
11 Dynamical theory of symmetries
Matter fields. Gauge fields. Yang-Mills theories. External symmetries, and relativity.
12 Scalar and spinoral fields
Particles and the Poincaré group. Klein-Gordon equation. Dirac equation. The SO(1,3) group. Spin 1 fields. Fields and gravity.
13 Geometry of the Standard Model of particles and GUT
The field content in the Standard Model. Constructing the Standard Model. Spontaneous symmetry breaking. The mass of neutrino. The seesaw mechanism. GUTs.

Notes provided by the teacher


Frontal lessons

reception on Monday after 14.00

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