Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Communication Sciences
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
A foreign language, final examination
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (32 hours)


Final Examination: 

The exam will take place in written and oral form on the contents of the course. The ability to understand an article in both written and oral form will be assessed.

Giudizio Finale

The objective of the course is the knowledge of the German language (and with it of the German language culture) in its basic features, and as far as it can be of use in the practice of journalism. The aim is to provide the student with the tools to acquire the key information from an article, an interview, a short programme, a piece of news in German, to rework its content in the media, to pronounce the names correctly, and to grasp the main features of the "Deutsche Sprache". At the end of the course, the student should be able to: 1) understand the salient information of some journalistic format (paper, electronic and oral, also provided the voice-over); 2) move within the German-speaking web journalism world; 3) pronounce correctly some key-words of the journalistic field (diction).

The lessons will examine some press reviews of the main German-language newspapers (Swiss, Austrian, German) to deepen and understand, in an interactive way, the contents of the news provided. We will then move on, according to a precise path, to deal with the German language in the various media, with particular attention to radio and television. From news to cultural pages, from politics to fashion, from sport to social events, we will try to trace a network of key words to understand the content of a news item.

Schritte 1, Hueber Verlag (capp, 1-5). The teacher reserves the right to indicate and provide any additional material during the lessons


The course includes 32 hours of frontal lessons, for a total of 4 cfu. Each lesson includes moments of discussion, of confrontation as in an editorial-journalistic reality. Within the course will be used films and will be provided educational materials such as newspapers, magazines, documents, clips.

The teacher will meet the students at the end of her lessons or by appointment. Contact
