Degree course: 
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (48 hours)

For Module B it is essential the knowledge of general chemistry concepts (eg electronic structure, theory of valence bond and molecular orbital, training and breaking of bonds, acis and bases, ...) that are considered preparatory to the understanding of organic chemistry.

Voto Finale

Module B is designed to introduce and develop the fundamental concepts of organic chemistry for students who have previously assimilated the fundamentals of general and inorganic chemistry. The goal that arises is the knowledge i) of the Nomenclature of organic compounds and functional groups in organic chemistry; ii) the stereochemistry of organic molecules and their orientation in three-dimensional space; iii) the reactivity of the compound and how you can favor some transformations affecting kinetic and thermodynamic parameters; iv) the synthesis and the study which regards the possibility of preparing organic compounds of different molecular complexity. It will also be important to the acquisition of chemical concepts of natural compounds and the knowledge of the major classes of natural organic compounds such as carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids.

The main contents of the Module B can be summarized as follows:

1. Structure and bonding; acids and bases. What is organic chemistry. Nomenclature. organic functional groups and structures
2. Classes of organic compounds: alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, dienes, aromatic compounds, alkyl halides, organometallic compounds, alcohols, phenols, ethers, thiols, sulfides, aldehydes and ketones, amines, nitro compounds, heterocyclic derivatives, carboxylic acids and their derivatives .
3. The organic reactions. nucleophilic addition reactions, electrophilic addition, elimination, of nucleophilic substitution, electrophilic aromatic substitution, nucleophilic substitution reactions acyl
4. The substitution reactions in alpha to the carbonyl and the condensation reactions
5. Acidity and pKa.
6. Relocation and conjugation
7. The stereochemistry of the tetrahedral compounds
8. The chemistry of life and biomolecules: carbohydrates, amino acids, peptides, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids

Types of teaching activities

The educational activities of Modeule B consist only of lectures. For some lessons it will be possible to organize some exercise sessions.

The Module A and Module B Course not provide for the adoption of a single reference text. Teachers recommend a set of books of general chemistry and organic chemistry (in Italian or English). Students can choose what suits them best. The set of suggested texts is not mentioned here because it can vary each academic year. In addition to the lessons, the teacher of Module B provides the projected slides, which are considered guidelines to the study, not substitute material of a textbook.

The student can choose one of these two texts for the Form B:

John McMurry - Fondamenti di Chimica Organica - 4a edizione Zanichelli

Janice Gorzynski Smith - Fondamenti di Chimica Organica - 3a edizione McGraw-Hill

Each of the two teaching modules provides a final test and given a rating. The outcome of each trial is thirty: the test is deemed passed if the candidate gets a vote of at least 18/30. The final grade is the average, weighted on the number of credits, the outcome of the two tests.
Evidence relating to the items of the Form A is a written exam of 3 hours. It is multiple choice questions in sufficient numbers to cover all the topics of the lectures, including the stoichiometry. Each correct answer is awarded 1 point, while the incorrect answers are assigned zero score.
Evidence relating to the Form B is a written exam lasting approximately 2-2.5 hours when there are questions in an open form, short-answer questions, and also multiple-choice questions on the entire program carried out during the course. Each correct answer is awarded a score, while wrong answers is attributed to non-scoring.
The total score obtained by the candidate in each written test is normalized so as to be out of thirty. Following the publication of the votes, the teachers of Form A and Form B provide the opportunity very often disregarded, to view the writings by convening ad hoc candidates.