Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
A foreign language, final examination
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (20 hours)

To enter the final exam, the student must have passed all the exams required by the Study Course Academic Regulations (177 cfu).

The written paper (modality A) and the reports (modalities B and C) will be evaluated by a Commission of professors. The overall evaluation of the final exam is expressed in 110.
The overall evaluation is the result of the sum of the following elements:
- average of the votes weighted by the number of credits of the courses and compared to 110;
- 0.33 points for each laude (added to the vote in 110);
- career quickness points (consists in the recognition of 3 additional points accounted for the purpose of the degree mark expressed in 110).
- the grade assigned to the final examination depends on the type of test chosen and can be a score ranging from 0 to 4. For more details, see the "final examination" section of the Department website.
The praise can be given by the Commission unanimously in consideration of the particular mastery of the basic tools and the notions, of the particular critical ability to apply the acquired knowledge or even of the career (particularly rapid and / or brilliant). Praise cannot be requested if the average grade is less than 103.

Giudizio Finale

The final exam plays the important role of verifying the individual learning ability as well as being the completion of training in line with the objectives of CLEM. The student must develop a final document in order to demonstrate the achievement of the following objectives:
- sufficient autonomy in the preparation and execution of the paper
- completeness of the analysis carried out
- logical and expository clarity of the paper
- mastery of conceptual models
- ability to critically interpret the problems analyzed

The final exam corresponds to 3 cfu.
There are three alternative ways of conducting the final exam:
A) a written paper on a topic related to the chosen course of study, agreed with the lecturer. The student must demonstrate a good command of the tools and the basics and a sufficient critical ability to apply the knowledge acquired during the course of study;
B) a report of the internship activity carried out. The report will have to illustrate the business situation in which the student has
carried out the internship and the contents of the internship itself;
C) a report of the study experience abroad under the ERASMUS program. The report will have to describe the experience carried out and the related educational context.
The paper can be written in English, provided that it is accompanied by a large summary in Italian, sufficient to evaluate the contents and any characteristics of originality.
The report must be signed by the supervisor.
The paper is delivered by the student in accordance with the procedures laid down by the University and accessible from the page https://www.uninsubria.it/la-didattica/bacheca-della-didattica
