Degree course: 
Corso di Long single cycle degree (6 years) in MEDICINE AND SURGERY
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
A foreign language, final examination
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (60 hours), Laboratory (12 hours)

Minimum English language level B1-B2 (respectively, C and B in the FCE - First Certificate of English).

Final Examination: 

Written exam with 44 questions in total. The questions will be divided into: reading comprehension of a text with 8 questions, 28 direct or multiple-choice questions, 8 fill-in-the-gap questions to complete with suitable vocabulary within a brief text (e.g. excerpt from a lecture in Medicine, presentation of a clinical case).
This is a qualifying examination, with the threshold being 18/30.

Giudizio Finale

The aim of the course is to provide medical students with the linguistic tools that will enable them to navigate the literature and resources of their field of study that are available in English. Furthermore, the study of the English language and its application in a medical context is an essential skill to have for professional development, to communicate with foreign patients and colleagues, and to potentially study and work abroad.

Vocabulary in units 1-3 and 5-8 of the textbook: "What is Medicine?", "Achievements in Medicine", standard and medical meanings, systems of the body, definitions of anatomy and physiology, skeletal and cardiovascular systems, standard directional terms, the anatomic position, main regions of the body, the anatomical planes, describing trends, charts and data, causes of disease, disease classification, identification of population groups, terms relating to biology, biochemistry, and pharmacology, emergency care and primary care. Vocabulary units 9-12: public health, evidence-based Medicine and its role in the academic community, clinical cases, current ethical issues in Medicine, the future of Medicine (e.g. cloning, ending global health inequality, nanotechnology, future pandemics).
Reading comprehension of texts from the textbook, articles from the science section of newspapers. Reading and analysis of an academic article.
Listening exercises. Efficient note-taking methods in English, topic sentences and paragraphs, writing summaries and abstracts in English, discourse markers and their use, structure and writing of essays and reports.
Grammar topics revision and exercises: verb tenses, conditional sentences, the passive voice with reporting verbs, basic word order in English, impersonal reporting, information focus in a sentence.
UK healthcare system (NHS) and healthcare in the USA.

P. Fitzgerald, M. McCullagh, R. Wright, “English for Medicine in Higher Education Studies”, Reading: 2010, Garnet Education.

Lectures with a participatory component. Reading and translation of English texts relating to the programme. Listening exercises.



Elkington John Richard Stephen