No specific scientific or biological knowledge other than those provided by any high school is required.
Identify the principal characteristics of a scientific study.
Use a scientific criteria to analyse a research.
Knowledge and knowledge systems – Operazionism, verificazionism - Scientific and disciplinary methodology - Deduction - Induction - Paradigms - Concepts – Proposition - Laws – Theories - Qualitative and quantitative approaches; Observation and experiments - The hypothesis – The independent and dependent variables - the data - Objectivity - Subjectivity - Errors - Measurement and stages – The stages of a research plan – How to evaluate e research - Randomised Controlled Trials - Population and Sampling – Probabilistic and unprobabilistic sampling – The descriptive and inference statistics - The observation, the interview, the questionnaire
Lobiondo G. – Wood, J Haber, Metodologia della ricerca infermieristica, Mc Graw Hill, Milano, 2004
Dautriaut H., Il questionario, Collana di sociologia, Franco Angeli Editore, Milano, 1999
Notes of the lessons, copies, bibliographical references for single arguments