Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Midwifery
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (16 hours)


The assessment of learning is carried out by completing a final test with multiple answers to be considered passed, and then contributing to the judgment of suitability of the Integrated Course of Health Management, only if students have successfully answered at least 5/6 of the questions proposed.

Voto Finale

The course aims to develop students' skills of analysis of an organizational system, providing them with practical tools for interpreting reality.
At the end of the course students will be able to:
1) Describe and analyze an organizational system in its complexity
2) Know the characteristics and the organizational health context
3) Acquire organizational tools useful in the planning of the work in its facilities and operating units

a) Definition of: organization, administration, organizational principles, efficiency, effectiveness (objective 1, 1 hour)
b) Organizational theories (objective 1, 2 hours)
c) Bureaucratic and professional model (objective 1, 1 hour)
d) The organizational system according to Seiler and its application for the reading of the environmental variables, input, organizational and output, of a hospital operating unit (objective 1, 2 hours)
e) Organizational variables: organization chart and organizational structure (objective 2, 2 hours)
f) Characteristics of the departmental structure (objective 2, 2 hours)
g) Organizational structures for non-medical health professions (objective 2, 2 hours)
h) The planning and control process: predictable and standardizable activities (operating instructions, procedures, protocols, guidelines, PDTA for nursing and midwifery activities) (objective 3, 2 hours)
i) Notes on personnel quantification (objective 3, 2 hours)


Anno accademico 2018/2019

Second Semester
Procurement Mode
Teaching language


The course aims to develop students' skills of analysis of an organizational system, providing them with practical tools for interpreting reality.
At the end of the course students will be able to:
1) Describe and analyze an organizational system in its complexity
2) Know the characteristics and the organizational health context
3) Acquire organizational tools useful in the planning of the work in its facilities and operating units

Pre requirement



a) Definition of: organization, administration, organizational principles, efficiency, effectiveness (objective 1, 1 hour)
b) Organizational theories (objective 1, 2 hours)
c) Bureaucratic and professional model (objective 1, 1 hour)
d) The organizational system according to Seiler and its application for the reading of the environmental variables, input, organizational and output, of a hospital operating unit (objective 1, 2 hours)
e) Organizational variables: organization chart and organizational structure (objective 2, 2 hours)
f) Characteristics of the departmental structure (objective 2, 2 hours)
g) Organizational structures for non-medical health professions (objective 2, 2 hours)
h) The planning and control process: predictable and standardizable activities (operating instructions, procedures, protocols, guidelines, PDTA for nursing and midwifery activities) (objective 3, 2 hours)
i) Notes on personnel quantification (objective 3, 2 hours)

Teaching method

The course objectives will be achieved through lectures for a total of 16 hours. The active participation of students in the lessons is strongly recommended in order to acquire the ability to analyze an organizational system, providing them with practical tools for reading reality,.

Verification of learning

The assessment of learning is carried out by completing a final test with multiple answers to be considered passed, and then contributing to the judgment of suitability of the Integrated Course of Health Management, only if students have successfully answered at least 5/6 of the questions proposed.

Reference texts

1) Calamandrei C., Orlandi C (2002). La dirigenza infermieristica. Manuale per la formazione dell’infermiere con funzioni manageriali. Milano, McGraw – Hill, 2^ edizione
2) Cantarelli M, Pontello G. (1995). Principi amministrativi applicati alla professione (quaderno 26). Milano, Masson, 3^ edizione
3) Marriner Tomey A. (1995). Management infermieristico. Milano, Sorbona
4) Mintzberg H. (1996). La progettazione dell’organizzazione aziendale. Bologna, Il Mulino
5) Pontello G. (1998). Il management infermieristico. Organizzare e gestire i servizi infermieristici negli anni 2000. Milano, Masson
6) Vaccani R., Dal Ponte A., Ondoli C. (1998). Gli strumenti di management sanitario. Roma, Carrocci Editore
7) Vaccani R. (1991). La sanità incompiuta. Roma, NIS
8) Zerilli A. (1981). Fondamenti di direzione ed organizzazione aziendale. Milano, Franco Angeli

In addition, students will be available to the slides used by the teacher in class.

1) Calamandrei C., Orlandi C (2002). La dirigenza infermieristica. Manuale per la formazione dell’infermiere con funzioni manageriali. Milano, McGraw – Hill, 2^ edizione
2) Cantarelli M, Pontello G. (1995). Principi amministrativi applicati alla professione (quaderno 26). Milano, Masson, 3^ edizione
3) Marriner Tomey A. (1995). Management infermieristico. Milano, Sorbona
4) Mintzberg H. (1996). La progettazione dell’organizzazione aziendale. Bologna, Il Mulino
5) Pontello G. (1998). Il management infermieristico. Organizzare e gestire i servizi infermieristici negli anni 2000. Milano, Masson
6) Vaccani R., Dal Ponte A., Ondoli C. (1998). Gli strumenti di management sanitario. Roma, Carrocci Editore
7) Vaccani R. (1991). La sanità incompiuta. Roma, NIS
8) Zerilli A. (1981). Fondamenti di direzione ed organizzazione aziendale. Milano, Franco Angeli

The course objectives will be achieved through lectures for a total of 16 hours. The active participation of students in the lessons is strongly recommended in order to acquire the ability to analyze an organizational system, providing them with practical tools for reading reality,.

In addition, students will be available to the slides used by the teacher in class.



Parent course