1. Basic concepts of epidemiology, hygiene and public health: concept of health; changes in the epidemiological background and classification of diseases; risk; indicators, determinants of health and illness; prevention (health promotion, vaccination, screening) [2h]
2. Methods in epidemiology: measures and studies in epidemiology; confounding and bias [2h]
3. Epidemiology and prevention of infectious diseases; healthcare-associated infections; food safety [2h]
4. Epidemiology and prevention of chronic diseases; public health nutrition; Health education (methodology of individual- and community-directed interventions)
5. Socio-economic factors [2h]
6. Evidence-based practice: use of bibliographic databases (exerc.); brief overview of healthcare management
Igiene per le professioni sanitarie. Ricciardi G, Ed. Idelson-Gnocchi, 2014
Lesson slides and supplementary materials, uploaded on the e-learning webpage
Lessons with exercise on how to use on-line scientific bibliographic databases (PubMed)
Available on request: Phone: 0331 217223 EPIMED via Rossi 9 – Pal. Rossi - 21100 Varese