Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Professional education
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 

In order to better understand the topics of this course it is however suggested that the student possesses the knowledge offered by the courses of General Psychology (C.I. Human Sciences) and Psychology (C.I. Psycho-Biology) of the first I year.

Final Examination: 

The final evaluation consists in an oral exam aimed to understand the student preparation on the topics of the course.
The vote obtained by the student in the integrative course, expressed in thirtieths, corresponds to the average between the two votes obtained in each discipline (Dynamic and Development Psychology).

Voto Finale

The aims of the course is to provide students with theoretical notions necessary to apply the basic concepts of the development psychology to the helping relationship with children, adolescents and their families, in the principal contexts of the educational profession.

The Integrated Course consists of two parts: Dinamic Psychology and Development Psychology, both in the first semester. The two parties represent a continuum of arguments that integrate with each other.
1. General Concepts:
- Psychology of evolutionary age: evolutionary stages;
- Neuroanatomic and neurophysiological bases of development.
2. The main theories in Development Psychology:
Behavioral theories and paradigms of learning:
- Conditioned Reflexes Theory
- Behaviourism: Watson, Skinner
Cognitive development: J. Piaget
The development of moral judgment: Kohlberg
3. Psychoanalysis and psychodynamic theories: S. Freud, A. Freud, M. Klein
Genetic Psychoanalysis: R. A. Spitz, M. Mahler
The “Group C” of London Psychoanalysis: Winnicott
The Attachment Theory: Bowlby
1. The main theories on adolescence: references to S. Freud, A. Freud, Winnicott, Erikson, Blos, Redl.
2. The criteria for defining the duration of adolescence.
3. Evolutionary theory of development tasks.
4. The current context of the affective family.
5. The resulting major expressions of discomfort: DCA, TS and technological dependencies.

Slides presented during the lessons.
Santrock JW. “Psicologia dello sviluppo”. McGrawHill Education, II Edizione, 2013.
Maggiolini A., Pietropolli Charmet G. (a cura di), 2004. “Manuale di psicologia dell’adolescenza: compiti e conflitti”. Milano: Franco Angeli (capp: parte prima: 2; parte seconda: 2, 3, 4, 6; parte terza: 1, 3).

Frontal and interactive lessons.
Frontal lessons are supported by slides to facilitate synthesis and attention. During classroom discussions, students are encouraged to interact with teacher with questions and curiosities.

The teachers are available to receive the students by appointment
