Know the main organizational theories. Learn about the organizational l structure of the service company. Knowing the different professions and the responsibility of the healt Companies profiles. Provide the knowledge of team building. Provide the knowledge on the different styles of leadership. Provide the knowledge on the dynamics of the working groups and conflict management.
General information on organizations and major organizational theories. Scientific organization of work: Taylorism, Fordism. Theory of Human Relations. Lean Organization. Henry Mintzeberg : corporate Organization Design. The Service companies. The organizations that provide health services. Hospitals, local Health authorities. Human Resources in health. Teambuilding, group management and team motivation, leadership. Creation of the group. Objectives and characteristics of lenses. Motivation and motivational theories in the group. The sports metaphor of the working group: the team, the team and the coach. Conflit management. Leadership styles. Time management.
Degree course in: Cardiocirculatory and Cardiovascular Perfusion techniques