Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (48 hours)

The student participating to this course might possess good knowledge of basic Biochemistry, especially related to the structural and functional properties of proteins and of the molecular bases of functioning of the organisms, of Molecular Biology and Microbiology.

Final Examination: 

The exam is organized in a written test focused on the discussion of specific topics related to the three main parts of the overall programme. The final score is given in 30ies.

Voto Finale

The course of Cell Biochemistry is part of the molecular preparation of the student in Biology. The course is aimed to introduce the student into the understanding of the molecular mechanisms of the biological processes at the cellular level. The course will provide the knowledge concerning the scientific approach and methodologies used to investigate proteins at the cellular level. The students are pushed to link the info on the single protein with the cell regulation. The final aim is to allow students to critically evaluate scientific investigations related to the correlation between the physiological and/or pathological alteration and the molecular event.

Learning outcomes
• Cognitive skills and ability to apply knowledge
- acquisition of fundamental elements at molecular level concerning protein structure-function relationships
- acquire the required information (theoretical and experimental) to carry out a molecular investigation at the cellular level
- ability to seize the structure-function relationships, even from a regulation, physiopathological and genetic point of view.
• Autonomy of judgement
- ability to apply the knowledge in the field of biochemistry and molecular cell biology
- ability to evaluate experimental data and to propose the most suitable scientific approach*
- ability to evaluate the teaching and the ethical and economic issues related to the programme.
• Communication skills
- ability to identify and express relevant information
- demonstrate effective communication skills by practicing, reading, writing and speaking clearly (even in English)*
- demonstrate the ability to resume and present/disseminate the scientific information.
• Learning abilities
- ability to check biomolecular data banks
- ability to read, understand and criticize a scientific text of cell biochemistry (in English)*
- ability to use these knowledge to evaluate the aims and/or the results of a research project both on the qualitative and quantitative point of view*.

* = relevant to develop transversal skills

In the first part, a detailed view of protein metabolism will be presented. During the second part, an integrated view of cellular metabolism, cell growth and division will be given, with particular attention to the molecular basis of protein functionality in the cell, to cell signalling and to the different level of cell regulation.
1. Structure-function relationships in proteins (1.5 CFU, 12 hours): Protein structure, Structural proteins, Immunoglobulins, Enzymes.
2. Regulation of protein functionalities (3 CFU, 24 hours): Protein synthesis, Protein evolution, Post-translational modifications and cell trafficking, Protein folding, Protein degradation. (With some pathological examples).
3. Proteins and cell cycle (1.5 CFU, 12 hours): Membrane proteins (with focus on receptors), Structural basis of receptor-ligand recognition, G proteins and kinase proteins, Cell cycle, Structure and function of CDK.

Slides of lessons: from the Elearning website
ALBERTS B. et al., Molecular Biology of the Cell, 6th ed., Garland Publ. 2015
BRÄNDEN C. e TOOZE J., Introduction to protein structure, 2nd ed., Garland Publ. 1998
KARP G., Biologia Cellulare e Molecolare, Edises, 2012


Frontal presentation with the use of Power Point presentations: 48 hours.
Scientific articles and reviews related to the main topics are made available to students.

Students can meet with the professor in his office by previous email appointment (luciano.piubelli@uninsubria.it).
